
confluent adj.1. 合流的;匯合的;【植物;植物學】會合的。2...


Separate assessment of small - , medium - and large - sized cells showed that as the cell size decreased from large to small , percentages of cycling cells , starved cells and confluent cells in g0 + g1 and g0 alone increased remarkably , percentages of aphidicolin treatment cells in g0 increased obviously 對于小的,中等的,大的細胞分別檢測時發現隨著細胞體積的由大到小,正常對照組、饑餓處理組及匯合處理組的細胞處于g0期及g0期+ g1期的百分率顯著升高,艾菲地可寧處理組細胞處于g0期的百分率明顯升高。

The system properties of single - loop system , such as velocity , torque , bifurcated power , transmission efficiency are researched deeply using theoretical analysis and numerical computing , and gives new methods for designing which according to the design parameter a and combine with the system diffluent coefficient q and the ratio of x , p cell transmission . so the theoretical expressions for designing this kind of transmission is established . the design parameter a is put forward as the ratio of confluent power and the input power of single - loop system 通過對單環路系統的運動學和動力學特性、功率流特性、傳動效率特性等所進行的理論分析和數值計算,提出了以單環路系統主支路功率大小與輸入總功率的比值為關鍵設計參數的設計新方法,并結合系統的功率分流系數q和各組成單元的傳動比,得到了單環路系統的速度、力矩、功率流、傳動效率等計算公式,為該種傳動類型的設計提供了必要的理論依據。

The invention is characteristic of the process of manufacturing hot water , in which water in multi - stage recirculating water - heating tank for collector and / or multi - stage confluent water - heating tank , as a whole or separately , can be heated by solar energy collector , or a heat pump , or an electrical heater 其特征在于,熱水制作過程可以是經太陽能集熱器、或熱泵、或電加熱裝置同時或分別對分級加熱式集熱器循環加熱水箱、分級加熱式匯流熱水箱中的水進行分級加熱的組合,并且,熱水的制作與熱水的使用采用分時制,即經周期性分級加熱所制得的定量的熱水預先制作后儲存在分級加熱式匯流熱水箱及儲能水箱中用作下一個周期的分時熱水供應。

Collective mental educational activity mainly reflects the special topic activity and confluent activity . group mental educational activity chiefly shows the mental training activity and mental adjustment activity . individual mental educational activity includes individual counsel seeking activity , self - education activity , net - work education activity 集體心理教育活動集中體現為專題性活動和融合性活動;小組心理教育活動主要表現為心理訓練活動和心理矯正活動;個別心理教育活動則包括個別咨詢活動、自我教育活動、網絡教育活動。

Finally , a tranfer vector named as pltk - ha was constructed based on pltk - uni with insertion of ha gene of h3 subtype srv . the pltk - ha and prv bartha - k61 genomic dna were co - transfected into 50 - 70 % confluent vero cells in 6 - cm dishes . based on the expression of lacz gene , recombinant prv were selected and purified by blue - colored virus plaque 利用脂質體介導的方法,將pltk - ha與prvbartha - k61基因組共轉染于亞單層vero細胞,依據報告基因lacz在細胞中的表達,篩選藍色蝕斑的重組病毒,經數次蝕斑純化后, pcr鑒定、 western - blot分析。

A novel surface reconstruction algorithm is put forward . it can join the reconstructed surface patches along their co - edges and at their confluent point c2 - continuosly and seamlessly , so can guarantee the whole surface is c2 - continuous everywhere . the problem of surface interrogation and surface fairing has been studied 在現有方法的基礎上,著重研究了相鄰曲面片邊界及交匯點處的連續性問題,提出了一種混合處理方法,解決了現有重建方法存在的相鄰曲面片在邊界及交匯點處難以達到c2連續的問題。

Various forms of combining parts of the invention , by which water in multi - stage recirculating water - heating tank for collector and / or multi - stage confluent water - heating tank , as a whole or separately , can be heated by solar energy collector , or a heat pump , or an electrical heater , fall into the following categories : on sunny day , it ' s enough to use the solar energy collector to heat water , then hot water is stored ; in confrontation with off - peak electricity at night , use the heat pump or the electrical heater to heat water , then hot water is stored ; during the time of a cloudy day without off - peak electricity , use the heat pump to instantly heat water according to the storage capacity of predetermined amount of produced hot water , then hot water is stored 所述的經太陽能集熱器、或熱泵、或電加熱裝置同時或分別對集熱器循環加熱水箱、分級加熱式匯流熱水箱中的水進行分級加熱的組合包括:陽光天可全部采用太陽能集熱器進行加熱和儲存熱水,夜間峰谷電時段可采用熱泵或電加熱裝置進行補充加熱和儲存熱水,無陽光的非峰谷電時段可根據定量的熱水儲量設置需求采用熱泵進行即時加熱和儲存熱水。

The said recirculating water - heating tank for collector indicates a tank or several tanks that interconnected one after another , with the last recirculating water - heating tank for collector on the end that can also functions as a multi - stage confluent water - heating tank 所述的集熱器循環加熱水箱可以是一個或以上,一個或以上的集熱器循環加熱水箱經相互連接后的最后一個集熱器循環加熱水箱可以同時兼作分級加熱式匯流熱水箱。

According to the parameter , the relationship between the individual ratio and the confluent power is established . we can directly design this kind of transmission machine using design parameter a and q according to the requirement of bifurcated power 其次,根據設計參數的意義,分析得到了系統內部的功率流分配情況與系統各單元傳動比之間的函數關系,從而可以據此并利用設計參數、 q直接設計滿足特定要求的單環路系統。

Low - level cyclones usually imply horizontally confluent flow and vertically rising air resulting in inclement weather . low - level anti - cyclones bring in fine and stable weather due to horizontally diffluent flow and vertically sinking air 低空氣旋表徵水平匯聚、垂直上升的不穩定氣流,可以導致惡劣天氣產生;低空反氣旋則代表水平輻散、垂直下沉的穩定流場,伴隨著晴朗的天氣。

By using some formulae of confluent hyper - geometric function , the results of radial operators on the normalizing radial wave function of a 3 - d isotropic harmonic oscillator are derived , and the ladder operators are given to calculate the matrix elements 摘要利用合流超幾何函數的遞推關系式得到徑向算符對歸一化徑向函數的作用結果,得出其升降算符通項,便于求解矩陣元。

Having discussed these impacts comprehensively , a conclusion is drawn that “ three - phase “ gets complicated and “ separate “ gets confluent , and then “ poly - element confluent “ supply mode is constructed simply 在各地養老福利社會化實踐的比較分析基礎上,論文以政府采購為目標模式,總結出養老福利服務政府采購模式的涵義、原則、方式、供給關系、管理關系、存在問題等。

The said energy storing water tank consists of warm water storage tank of multiple stage heating and hot water storage tank , in parallel connection with multi - stage confluent water - heating tank 所述的儲能水箱是一個以上的水箱,儲能水箱包括分級加熱式溫水儲熱水箱及終溫儲熱水箱,分級加熱式匯流熱水箱與分級加熱式溫水儲熱水箱及終溫儲熱水箱間的連接是并聯連接。

Fig . 3 anoxia reperfusion group with the addition cerium ions : myocardial cell structure shows vague , mitochondria swell , deposits of cerium are scattered throughout the cytoplasm , some parts appear confluent 圖3缺氧再灌注加鈰組:心肌細胞結構不清,線粒體腫脹,胞漿內充滿大量的鈰沉積顆粒,有些部位融合成片。

This paper proposes a resolution approach to achieve the confluent rule execution in active databases . in addition , some advantages of this approach compared with the priority approach are mentioned , too 摘要提出一種解決主動數據庫中規則管理的合流性問題的新方法,并與優先數方法進行比較。

Tang comments on the works of most of them and offers his original views , which results in his proposal of “ he liu “ ( confluent ) poetry 唐?對他們大多數人的作品進行了評介,提出了自己獨特的看法,而且由此產生了“合流”詩的藝術主張。

Another entrant is toronto - based confluent technologies , which publishes a smil authoring tool called fluition 另一個新加入者是位于多倫多的confluent technologies ,它發布了名為fluition的smil創作工具。

Granulomatous disease can become quite extensive . here are numerous confluent granulomas in a case of pulmonary tuberculosis 肉芽腫性疾病是十分常見的。圖示:肺結核病大量融合性肉芽腫。

The improved model itrs - ra is shown to be terminating , and confluent under a certain condition 本文證明了改進后的模型itrs - ra是終止的,并且在一定條件下合流。