
confluence n.1.合流;匯流(處);匯合而成的河流。2.會合,群集...


The canyon is the section of the colorado river canyon in northern arizona from glen canyon dam to the confluence with the little colorado river , which marks the beginning of the grand canyon 再往位于南北大峽谷之間的大理石峽谷marble canyon ,壯觀秀麗屹立于科羅拉多河上,景致令人贊嘆。

The stage iii works which commenced in december 2001 are meant to improve a stretch of about 4 kilometres on the shenzhen river , from lo wu to its confluence with the ping yuen river 第iii期工程已于二一年十二月展開,目的是改善深圳河由羅湖至與平原河匯流處一段長四公里的河道。

The confluence between viscous debris flow and river flow considered as density flow is based on the assumption that the main influence of converging into water flow is the transform of riverbed 在探討入匯機理的基礎上,認為粘性泥石流入匯對主河的影響主要體現在河床地形的改變。

Also for the first time this essay give quantitative proving for self - organized criticality of debris flow ' s confluence process by using observation data of jiangjia ravine 本文首次以云南省蔣家溝泥石流觀測數據為例,對泥石流匯流系統及流量過程的自組織臨界性加以定量化證明。

So basing on self - organized criticality theory and critical situation of debris flow ' s triggering and confluence process , this essay tries to establish relevant dynamics model 因此本文考慮從泥石流產匯流過程的臨界性狀態出發,基于自組織臨界性理論,建立相應的動力學模型。

Based on the application of snowmelt type xinanjiang model and scs confluence model to each grid , a distributed hydrological model for the entire watershed established at last 最后通過在每一柵格單元上采用融雪型新安江產流模型與scs匯流模型,構建整個流域的分布式水文模型。

If such an url were repeatedly sent to an affected system , a confluence of events could cause a memory allocation error that would result in the failure of the iis service 如果將這個url重復發送至受影響的系統,這些事件的匯合將導致內存分配錯誤,從而導致iis服務失敗。

There has been considerable volatility in the past few weeks in financial markets worldwide , as the focus has sharpened on the confluence of risks arising from a number of developments 隨市場焦點集中于幾項源自市場最新發展的風險,過去幾個星期全球金融市場波動較大。

In so doing , they dislodged the bayeyi who had settled in the chobe and linyanti areas , and basubiya who were living along the confluence of the chobe and linyanti rivers 他們趕走了定居在喬貝和林揚堤地區的巴耶伊族,以及住在喬貝河及林揚堤河匯流處沿岸的巴蘇比亞族。

The confluence of such demand has generated a high demand for energy , contributing to power shortages in 21 provinces last year and an ever - upward trajectory for coal prices 各種需求集中到一起就形成了對能源的巨大需求,造成去年21個省能源短缺,煤炭價格呈直線上升。

Considering interior mechanism of debris flow ' s triggering and confluence system , in this essay we simulates its self - organized criticality by cell automaton model 本文運用元胞自動機理論,從內部機制著手,對泥石流產匯流系統的自組織臨界性進行了模擬研究。

9 feng s , sakabe t , inagaki y . confluence property of simple frames in dynamic term rewriting calculus . ieice trans . information and systems , 1997 , e80 - d : 625 - 645 它大幅度拓寬了前面證明方法的應用范圍,并可以應用于非終止非合流以及非左線性的項重寫系統。

The mechanism of confluence between debris flow and main river , which discuss reciprocity between different liquids , is a brand - new question for fluid mechanics study 它研究不同流體匯流產生的相互作用,處于牛頓流體運動研究和非牛頓流運動研究的交叉點。

The evolution of internal control theory from western world has made great confluence to china , particularly , the complete frame theory raised by coso committee 西方的內部控制理論的嬗變對于我國有重要的影響,尤其是coso委員會提出的整體框架理論。

This confluence of concerns was a natural product of the fact that the speakers were drawn from those working at the vanguard of xml tools and techniques 這些問題匯合在一起,自然而然地把發言者和那些從事前衛的xml工具和技術研究的人分離了出來。

The father and son kornbergs represent that rare confluence of genes and environment that endows a particular family with scientific insight and creativity 孔柏格這對父子檔代表基因和環境少見的結合,這賦予一個獨特的家庭科學方面的洞見和創意。

By statistical computation we prove that the confluence process of jiangjia ravine obeys the power - law frequency - area distribution 本文通過統計計算得到,蔣家溝泥石流匯流和流量過程在暴發頻率與泥石流總徑流量上服從負冪律分布。

A confluence of risks , all of them placing unprecedented global pressures on the global financial system , require a high degree of alertness 目前各種各樣的風險紛繁交錯,為全球金融體系帶來了前所未見的壓力,我們必須提高警覺。

Iranian media also reported that the british boats had gotten too close to an oil jetty near the confluence of the tigris and euphrates rivers 伊朗傳媒又報道英國船只與一靠近底格里斯河與幼發拉底河匯合處的石油碼頭接得太近