
conflict n.1.爭斗;糾紛,傾軋。2.沖突,矛盾,抵觸。3.〔美...


He frequently adopts strategies and objectives that fall into conflict with natural processes . 他時常采取與自然過程相反的策略和目的。

All we can do then is to manipulate and change the grammar to alleviate the conflict . 解決的辦法只能是加工,改變文法,以便減少矛盾。

Up till the end of august, goering did not take an unfavourable view of the air conflict . 一直到八月底,戈林都未對空戰抱悲觀的看法。

He did not want to be identified with a negotiating program that might conflict with this . 他不愿和與這相沖突的談判計劃聯系在一起。

These results may help to explain some of the conflicting data in the literature . 這些結果可能有助于解釋文獻中的一些爭議的數據。

We might help forge in the crucible of conflict a structure of peace . 我們就有可能協助在沖突的熔爐中鑄造出一個和平的結構。

Throughout the conflict and turmoil he remained remarkably the same man . 經過一切沖突和動亂,他卻異乎尋常地“依然故我”。

Development of agriculture conflicts with hunting by limiting forest land . 農業的發展減少了森林地區,和狩獵就發生了沖突。

In case of a conflict between the rules and a contract the latter shall govern . 如本規則與合同發生矛盾時,應以合同為準。

Kennedy was deeply concerned with the conflict between the united states and soviet union . 肯尼迪對于美蘇沖突深為關注。

We had to bear them in order to be ready for the coming conflict . 我們必須克服它們,以便對即將來臨的戰斗做好準備。

Our reluctance for conflict should not be misjudged as a failure of will . 我們不愿意沖突,不應被誤認為是意志不堅。

The conflict that smoldered between aunt addie and me flared openly . 艾迪小姨和我之間悶在心里的沖突突然公開化了。

Such a plan would not bring a world free from conflict and greed . 這樣的一個計劃并不會使世界就此杜絕沖突與貪婪。

There is no conflict of fundamental interests among third world countries . 第三世界國家之間沒有根本的利害沖突。

So it went on continuously, the recurrence of love and conflict between them . 兩人的愛和沖突就這樣持續交替著。

It can also refer to a conflict or disagreement , often involving violence . 它還可指沖突或不和,常涉及暴力。

All the woes and causes of conflicts seemed cleared away . 一切麻煩事,一切引起沖突的根源,似乎都被掃除了。

Currently it is not possible to reconcile this conflicting evidence . 當前還未有可能去解釋這一矛盾的例證。