
conflagration n.大火(災);戰火。


I hardly heard mrs . fairfax s account of the curtain conflagration during dinner , so much was i occupied in puzzling my brains over the enigmatical character of grace poole , and still more in pondering the problem of her position at thornfield and questioning why she had not been given into custody that morning , or , at the very least , dismissed from her master s service 吃午飯時候,費爾法克斯太太談起帳幔失火的事。我幾乎沒有聽見,因為我絞盡腦汁,思索著格雷斯.普爾這個神秘人物,尤其是考慮她在桑菲爾德的地位問題對為什么那天早晨她沒有被拘留,或者至少被老爺解雇,而感到納悶。

In the past few years , the fire situation was serious in china , with an upward trend of conflagration incidence and economic losses . the reason is that the construction of public fire fighting facilities and fire fighting equipments is lagged down the speed of economic development , which results the difficultity in protecting and disposaling fire in towns 近幾年,我國火災形勢嚴峻,城市發生重特大火災次數、火災直接經濟損失都呈上升趨勢,究其原因主要是城市公共消防設施、消防裝備建設滯后于經濟發展速度,滯后于城市建設的發展,因而城市處置復雜性、綜合性火災事故的整體能力較低。

His seaside villa outside athens was spared , but the conflagration prompted the greek prime minister to promise stricter measures to stop developers from building on land cleared by fires ; satellite photos , for example , would be taken at regular intervals to help enforce greece ' s law banning construction in forest areas 他在雅典郊外的海邊別墅幸免于難,但是那場火災促使這位希臘總理承諾采取更嚴厲的措施,禁止房地產商在被火燒出來的空地上建房;比如說定期拍攝衛星照片,以幫助強化希臘的林地禁建令。

In their childlike glee at the conflagration of the village , and the excitement of their successful firing on the french , our artillerymen only noticed this battery when two cannon - balls and after them four more fell among their cannons , and one knocked over two horses and another tore off the foot of a gunner . their spirits , however , once raised , did not flag ; their excitement simply found another direction . the horses were replaced by others from the ammunition carriage ; the wounded were removed , and the four cannons were turned facing the ten of the enemys battery 因為村莊著火,我軍的炮手都像兒童似地覺得快活,因為炮打法國人打得成功,他們都很激動因此,當兩顆炮彈緊接著還有四顆炮彈在幾門大炮中間落地,其中一顆掀倒兩匹馬,另一顆炸掉彈藥車車夫的一條腿的時候,我軍的炮手才發現敵軍的這座炮臺,然而興奮的心情既已穩定,就不會冷淡,只是改變了意境而已。

Under the ceaseless conflagration of lightning that flamed in the skies , everything below stood out in clean - cut and shadowless distinctness : the bending trees , the billowy river , white with foam , the driving spray of spume - flakes , the dim outlines of the high bluffs on the other side , glimpsed through the drifting cloud - rack and the slanting veil of rain 這時候,天空中風雨閃雷交加,狂暴至極。閃電把天空也照亮了,把天宇下的萬物映襯得分外鮮明被風吹彎的樹木白浪翻騰的大河大片隨風飛舞的泡沫以及河對岸高聳的懸崖峭壁的模糊輪廓,都在那飛渡的亂云和斜飄的雨幕中乍隱乍現。

The sound of the rumble and crash of falling walls and ceilings ; the roar and hiss of the flames , and the excited shouts of the crowd ; the sight of the hovering clouds of smokehere folding over into black masses , there drawing out and lighted up by gleaming sparks ; and the flameshere like a thick red sheaf , and there creeping like golden fish - scales over the walls ; the sense of the heat and smoke and rapidity of movement , all produced on pierre the usual stimulating effect of a conflagration 墻壁和天花板的斷裂聲訇然倒塌聲火焰的呼嘯和畢剝聲人們的狂叫吶喊,時而動蕩不完的煙云時而騰空升起,夾雜著明亮的火星,雖煙滾滾閃出道道火光,此處是禾捆狀的通紅的火柱,彼處是沿著墻蔓延的魚鱗狀的金色火焰這一切景象,合著熱浪和煙味的刺激,行動的迅速,這種種感覺在皮埃爾身上產生了面對火災常有的興奮作用。

Stars were shining brightly here and there in the sky ; there was a red flush , as of a conflagration on the horizon , where the full moon was rising , and the vast , red ball seemed trembling strangely in the grey darkness . it became quite light . the evening was over , but the night had not yet begun 太陽早已落山,天空中有幾處閃爍著明亮的星星一輪滿月剛剛升起,天際一片火紅,一個巨大的紅球在灰蒙蒙的暮靄中令人驚奇地搖晃著,漸漸明亮起來,黃昏已盡,然而,夜,還沒有來臨。

It may be likened to a man who enters a totally dark house in which he can see nothing , who falls into the pitch - black pit of hell . the result of this may be likened to all the rivers emptying into the ocean , thus sins accumulate within his being . it is like the great conflagration , which occurs at the end of a world eon when majestic mount meru is reduced to flame and ashes 那些阻擋或障礙別人出家者之過錯,就非常深重,就好像走進了漆黑房間,什么都看不見,掉入了地獄的黑洞陷阱一樣,結果就好像所有河流注入大海,把罪業累積在此人身上,就好像阿僧?劫末之大火災,將須彌山燒成火焰及灰燼,人將為地獄之火吞噬,所以,允許他人出家或是自己出家者的功德,是無邊偉大。

Even if there were cases of incendiarism which is very doubtful , because no one had any reason for incendiarism , and in any case such a crime is a troublesome and dangerous one , there is no need to accept incendiarism as the cause , for the conflagration would have been inevitable anyway without it 如果有人縱火的話這很值得懷疑,因為無論是誰都沒有任何理由去放火,無論如何,這是很費周折和危險的,縱火也并不能成為其原因,因為無須乎縱火其結果仍會一樣。

As the count was immensely rich , excepting the danger carmela had run , - and the marvellous manner in which she had escaped , made that appear to him rather a favor of providence than a real misfortune , - the loss occasioned by the conflagration was to him but a trifle 伯爵極其有錢,只要卡美拉脫了險,從她這樣神奇地脫險這一點看來,他覺得并不是真正遭禍,反而倒是上天新賜的一次恩惠,火災的損失在他只是一件小事。

In reality , explanations of the fire of moscow , in the sense of the conflagration being brought home to the door of any one person or group of persons , there have never been , and never could be 法國人把莫斯科大火歸咎于au patriotisme froce de ros topchine俄國人則歸咎于法軍的暴行。實際上呢,莫斯科大火的原因,如果要找出一個或幾個人來承擔責任,那么就沒有這樣的原因,也不可能有這樣的原因。

The sellers shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non - delivery for all or part of the contracted goods owing to such force majeure causes as war , earthquake , flood , conflagration , rainstorm and snowstorm 如由于戰爭、地震、水災、火災、暴風雨、雪災或其他不可抗力的原因,致使賣方不能全部或部分裝運或延期裝運合同貨物,賣方對這種不能裝運或延期裝運本合同貨物不負有責任。

Reinforced concrete structures are one of the most familiar structures in structural engineering , and its fire resistance is better than other structures such as steel structures and wood structures , but it will become disabled under conflagration too 作為結構工程領域應用最廣泛的結構之一,鋼筋混凝土結構的抗火性能雖然優于鋼結構、木結構等其它結構,但同樣面臨了抗火問題。

And she took wing and went off to see about it - which did not surprise the boy , for he knew of old that this insect was credulous about conflagrations , and he had practised upon its simplicity more than once 于是它就拍著翅兒飛走了,回家去看到底怎么了湯姆對此一點也不感到奇怪,因為他早就知道這種小蟲子容易相信火災的事情,頭腦又簡單,被捉弄過不止一次了。

Megawati ' s success in restoring political stability will also determine whether indonesia , badly burned in the 1997 asian conflagration , can overcome its economic problems and win back foreign investment 梅加瓦蒂能否回復政局穩定是印尼能否克服1998年金融危機以及重新吸引外資的關鍵。

Anybody who doubts the size of the transatlantic divide over israel should try discussing the middle east conflagration in britain and then doing the same in america 任何懷疑大西洋兩岸的國家對以色列態度分歧之程度的人都可以試試在英國討論中東的突發事件,然后再在美國做同樣的事情。

Fearing lest a conflagration might set heaven itself on fire , he proceeded to drown the world . speedily the race of mean and their possessions , were swept away by the deluge 朱庇特唯恐用火燒會危及天宮本身,就決定用洪水淹沒地球,轉瞬間洪水就把地球上的人和他們的財物席卷而去。

Flames were nowhere to be seen ; but columns of smoke were rising up on all sides , and all moscow , all that pierre could see , was one conflagration 火光是哪里都見不到了,但四面八方都有煙柱在往上升,而整個莫斯科,就皮埃爾所能見到的地方而言,成了火災后的一片廢墟。

No one answered this remark . and for a good while all these men gazed in silence at the flames of this new conflagration glowing far away 誰也沒有對此說法作出回答,所有在場的人只是沉默地望著遠處這場新的大火的沖天火焰,過了很長一陣子。