
confiscatory adj.沒收的,充公的。


This dissertation can be divided into three parts as following : focusing on institutional risk control , this dissertation demonstrated the effect of institutional risk on dis “ objects by analyzing the relationship between deposit insurance and financial development , financial stability and market discipline , in light of foreign or native primary theory and empirical results of dis . in virtue of statistical method and with the theory of game , this dissertation explored the cause the institutional risk such as moral risk and adverse selection , on the basis of which discussed the approach of controlling institutional risk and proper deposit insurance pattern . because deposit insurance assessment is the core of institutional risk control , this dissertation introduced and discussed deeply the passive casualty - insurance model , the option - pricing model , the game - theory - based pricing model , and reasonable pricing interval , and put forward the hierarchical pricing strategy of dis on the balance of information confiscatory and risk - based - assessment necessity 本文以存款保險制度風險控制為中心,在借鑒國內外關于存款保險制度的基本理論和實證的基礎上,通過分析存款保險與金融發展、金融穩定和市場懲戒等方面的關系,論證了存款保險制度風險對存款保險制度目標的影響;并借助統計學的方法,運用信息博弈論的觀點,從主要制度參與者? ?投保機構和存款保險機構? ?的效用函數出發,對存款保險所引發的道德風險和逆向選擇等制度風險的成因進行深入的剖析,探討有效控制制度風險的途徑和制度參數的安排模式;由于存款保險定價是制度風險管理的核心問題,本文還專門對意外存款保險消極模型、存款保險的期權定價模型、基于信息經濟學的存款保險定價模型以及合理定價區間等定價模式進行深入分析和詳細評述,闡述各種定價思路的局限性和可能運用的空間,通過權衡信息的充分性和風險定價的必要性,提出存款保險制度的層次性定價策略。

Fearing a taxpayers ' revolt , the legislature passed a less confiscatory revenue bill 由于擔心納稅人的反對,立法機關通過了一項有利于私人收入的法案。