
confiscate vt.沒收,把…充公;征用。n.-cation


Confiscated road area 代征道路用地面積

Confiscated green space 代征綠化用地面積

The teacher confiscated my radio because she heard me playing it in class 老師聽到我在課堂上開收音機,就把它沒收了。

For the rebels , the first order of business was confiscating cell phones 對于匪徒來說,它們的第一個命令就是沒收手機。

Cathay pacific airways will not assume any responsibility for confiscated items 我們將不會對有關物件負上任何責任。

Be confiscated without exception 一律予以沒收

My cell phone was confiscated , 我的手機被沒收了

No guns - confiscated by tao 沒有槍支-陶給沒收了

And their pecuniary resources or properties can be confiscated ,除此以外,若控罪成立,其資產及物業可被充公

Disposal of stores confiscated 物料處置(充公物品)

The research on existent issues and measures of actual confiscating system 現行征地制度存在的問題和對策研究

No guns - - confiscated by tao 沒有槍支- -陶給沒收了

If a student brings a cell phone to school , it will be confiscated . . 如果我們發現學生帶手機上學,就要沒收

If a student brings a cell phone to school , it will be confiscated 如果我們發現學生帶手機上學,就要沒收

Then confiscate their lands and root out that family forever 然后沒收他們的領地把他們一家斬草除根

The headmaster confiscated her radio 校長沒收了她的收音機。

Property confiscated , wiped out as by tire and turned to ashes 賣身契被沒收并燒毀,一切灰飛煙滅。

All contraband will be confiscated 所有的違禁物品都會被沒收。

What would happen to the reptiles that are confiscated 一般來說,充公后的爬蟲類會被如何處置?