
confirmative adj.確證的,確定的;批準的;【宗教】堅信禮的。


Lawmaking is to aim to enhance all kinds of law ’ s efficiency factors which are confirmative degree and developmental degree and efficient social press . new laws are needed when the law demand which is asked for the variability of insider structure breaks through the intrinsic law supply because a domain ’ s insider structure changes , that is , new sub - domains appear , or intrinsic sub - domains expand or fission or shrink or die away . new laws are also needed if that situation is estimated by legislators in advance 立法旨在提高各子域法的效率因子? ?確定性因子、適應性因子和社會壓力的有效性因子;當域的內部結構發生變化,即出現新的子域,或者原有子域壯大、裂變、萎縮抑或消失時,這種域的內部結構的變異性對法律的需求一旦突破了原有的法律供給,或者立法者已于事先估測到這種情形時,新的立法就成了必需。

They were technology paradigm shifting from analog signals to digital signals in xihu electronic co . and the shifting from dynamic frequency to fixed frequency of air condition manufacturing in haixin co . at last , by the combination of efa ( exploratory factor analysis ) and cfa ( confirmative factor analysis ) method we proposed and approved the interaction among learning , unlearning and innovationess 通過研究西湖電子從模擬技術向數字技術轉變一以技術推動為主導的范式轉變和海信集團以市場拉動為主導的范式轉變,生產變頻空調的案例說明組織在技術范式轉變時期的組織學習模式。

Modest loneliness may motivate one ' s activities and thus play a positive role , d ) a questionnaire of the loneliness structure of college students in henan province has been developed in this study and it proves to have high reliability and validity by means of exploratory factor analysis and confirmative factor analysis . implications for future research are discussed 這與西方學者僅將大學生作為成人被試來研究成人孤獨感(不考慮發展)的視角不同,可以說在成人孤獨感的研究中吸收了西方學者關于兒童青少年孤獨感的研究優點(關注發展問題) ,而這更符合我國大學生發展的實際情況。

By using questionnaire and explorative factor analysis and confirmative factor analysis , the researcher finds that chinese preschool children ' s personality structure includes four dimensions and eleven traits , which in some sort is different from that of children in west countries 摘要本研究在編制幼兒個性發展教師評定問卷的基礎上,通過探索性因素分析和驗證性因素分析得出,我國幼兒的個性結構可以由智能特征、認真自控、情緒性、親社會性4個維度11個特質構成,與西方幼兒相比表現出一定的文化差異。

Securities legislation is also accord with the common mechanism of securities legislation , while it has it ’ s peculiarities , that is , that the sub - domains of securities market seems to be increased endlessly , which makes the securities market become complex and volatility . to cope with this kind of complex and volatility , securities lawmaking is disparted three lays . the government make laws to build up the macroscopical confirmative degree and efficient social press of securities lex , supervisors make codes to improve middle confirmative degree and efficient social press of securities lex , self - discipline organizations set down rules to strengthen microcosmical confirmative degree of securities lex 證券立法在符合一般立法機理的同時,區別于其它立法的特性是:證券市場的子域有不斷增加的趨勢,這使得證券市場變得復雜和易變,為應付這種復雜和易變,證券立法分為緊密聯系的三個層次,政府立法旨在增強證券法律宏觀的確定性和社會壓力的有效性,監管部門制定法規改善中觀的適應性并保證法律社會壓力的有效性,自律組織制定規章則重在加強法律微觀上的適應性。

Based on the analysis of the current problems of library resource sharing , the paper points out that market mechanism is the reasonable and confirmative driving force , and puts forward the new library resource sharing pattern leaded by market mechanism 摘要文章在分析目前圖書館資源共享存在的問題之基礎上,指出市場機制是實現圖書館資源共享合理的、鞏固的驅動力,并構建了市場機制引導下的圖書館資源共享新模式。

When an organization representative receive the loan , it should be inspected instantly . a confirmative signature for good - conditioned loan is required . the same applies after inspection by our library staff upon return 機構代表領取借用物品時,務必即時檢查物品備完好,并簽署作實歸還時,亦應待本處職員驗收妥當后,方可離開。

Through the empirical study , which includes two samples : the exploratory sample ( n = 240 ) and the confirmative sample ( n = 288 ) , this repurchase intention model has been basically validated 在實證分析中,通過學生樣本( n = 240 )和社會樣本( n = 288 )兩次研究的對比和綜合,采用結構方程建模的方法,檢驗了本文的假設。

We can see how to get the greatest income return rate in confirmative var , or to minimum var in a given income return rate 竹r “的上標r表示基于收益率, ( 1一3 )式表明r期收益率小于加r “的卜一不大一于a 。

A confirmative research on social support and sars stress 應激反應的驗證性研究