
confirm vt.1.使更堅固[堅定,堅強]。2.(進一步)證實[確...


This has been confirmed by fuson and josien in studies on substituted benzanthracenes . Fuson和Josien在取代的苯并蒽類化合物的研究中驗證了這一點。

“it's a masterpiece,“ his mother said, and he felt, in a queer way, confirmed . “那是杰作。”他母親說。而他呢,也莫名其妙地覺得自己得到了承認。

The driver confirmed birdsong's devious journey to the house at 117 crocker street . 司機證實了伯德桑形跡詭秘地出入過殼克洛科大街一百一十七號。

The theory confirms the increase in the retardation effect with decrease in particle size . 理論證實,隨著顆粒尺寸的減小,這一減速效應將增大。

I hope it won't ruin you; but it will certainly confirm your dangerous tendencies . 我希望它不會毀了你,但毫無疑問,它會助長你那些危險的傾向。

The existence of a real temperature floor is confirmed by many other pieces of evidence . 其它許多事實證實,確實存在著一個實際的溫度起點。

This fiasco confirmed kennedy's impression of phoumi's singular incompetence . 這次慘敗更加堅定了肯尼迪認為富米毫無能力的看法。

This value has been confirmed by observation with an accuracy of perhaps 20 percent . 這個數值已為觀測所證實,準至百分之二十。

These measurements have confirmed the gross features of earlier theoretical estimates . 這些測量證實了早先理論估計的一般特征。

From that moment, it seemed sorrow was to confirm and strengthen these ties . 從那一刻起,似乎要由苦難鞏固加強這些關系了。

More refined methods of measuring it confirm the estimate just given . 其他的更完善的測量它的方法可以證實方才給的估計值。

If you are familiar with determinants, you can confirm readily the representation . 你如果熟悉行列式,就容易確信表達式

She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen . 她出生一個月時受洗禮,十三歲時行堅信禮。

At the hospital the next morning his worst fears were confirmed . 第二天早上在醫院里,他所疑慮的最壞的情況被證實了。

A history of prior belladonna medication may help to confirm the diagnosis . 顛茄類藥物的服用史可能有助于確定診斷。

After a six-month probationary period , she was confirmed in her post . 經過六個月的試用期之后,她獲準正式任該職。

Thursday seemed to confirm the encouraging signs of wednesday . 星期四這一天看來進一步證實了星期三令人鼓舞的征兆。

Recent ocean floor data confirm the first part of this slow process . 近來洋底資料證實了這一緩慢過程的第一部分。

It is the usual practice for a bank to confirm only an irrevocable l/c . 通常慣例是銀行只保兌不可撤消的信用證。