
confinement n.1.限制,界限,拘束;(電磁)吸持。2.幽禁,監禁;...


Magnetic confinement of plasma 等離子體磁約束

Socioeconomic networks ' confinement effect on enterprises in mining cities 礦業城市社會經濟網絡對企業的束縛效應

Implementation of the home confinement arrangement has so far been smooth 家居隔離安排的實施,至今一直順利。

Research progress on electromagnetic confinement and shaping for liquid metal 液態金屬電磁約束成形技術研究進展

8 . implementation of the home confinement arrangement has been smooth 8 .家居隔離安排的實施,至今大致順利。

Supporting design of tunnel at initial stage with convergence - confinement method 約束法進行隧道初期支護設計

Her confinement was approaching 她的分娩期臨近了

They are in a solitary confinement in a small room with a personal guard 他們在1人看守的小房間里單獨監禁。

Explanation and confinement of cognitive context to discourse understanding 認知語境對話語理解的解釋和制約

I feel a confinement coming on 我覺得監禁時間快到了

Common disease of cattle and sheep rearing in confinement and prevention and cure 舍飼牛羊常見疾病的防治

Observation on confinement and grazing behaviour of xiangdong black goat 湘東黑山羊舍飼和放牧行為的觀察

Analogy and duality between charge - confinement and quark - confinement 電荷禁閉和夸克禁閉的相似性與對偶性

Implementation of the home confinement arrangement has been smooth 家居隔離安排的實施,至今大致順利。

Fabrication method of inertial confinement fusion alloy - films target 慣性約束聚變用合金薄膜靶制備方法

Laser fusion is the poor cousin of magnetic - confinement fusion 激光聚變是磁約束聚變的一個小分支。

Lasers offer some obvious advantages over magnetic confinement 激光同磁約束相比,有一些明顯優勢。

Survey peri - confinement knowledge of child heatlth care ' s rate of knowing 圍生期保健知識知曉率調查

That will make your life in confinement a little more comfortable 可以讓你在坐牢的時候更舒服一些