
confine vt.1.限制 (to; within); 【物理學】約...


Our first example of confining waves will be to confine a wave at one boundary . 約束波的第一個例子是使波動在一個界面上受到限制。

Use of controlled pollination is generally confined to various types of research . 控制授粉的應用,一般只限于干不同的研究工作。

Our first example of confining waves will be to confine a wave at one boundary . 約束波的第一例子是使波動在一個界面上受到限制。

In a country neighbourbood you move in a very confined and unvarying society . 在鄉下,你四周圍的人都是非常不開通,非常單調。

His contemporaries had begun to confine themselves to specialized investigations . 他同時代的人已開始局限于專門問題研究。

The little trembling hare had confined all the day to her lurking-place . 那戰戰兢兢的小野兔,整天都一直躲在隱蔽的地方。

The portion of the current confined to the surface layer becomes negligible . 流經上部地層的那部分電流變得可以忽略不計。

This extraordinary growth was not confined to the richer countries of the world . 這種迅速增長并非局限于世界富裕的國家。

A system confined to the transport of mineral elements is known as the xylem . 專門用來運輸礦物元素的系統稱為木質部。

New england authors did not always confine themselves to their own rules . 新英蘭的作家并非永遠嚴守他們自己的戒條。

Sometime the term artesian is used to denote a confined aquifer . 有時候人們也用自流含水層這一術語表示承壓含水層。

The number on the curves are the values of the confining pressure in atmosphere . 曲線上的數字表示圍壓的大氣壓值。

These anomalies will be confined to the immediate vicinity of the exposed pipe . 這些異常將局限于裸管的緊鄰地段。

We confine ourselves here to the case where surface tractions are prescribed . 在這里我們只研究面力為給定的情況。

Why are such beautiful things confined to such barbarous countries ? 為什么在這么不開化的地方還有這些好東西?

Never did one friend confined anything more sacred to another . 朋友之間,從沒有交托一件比這個更神圣的東西。

In this chapter we confine our attention to the second-order waves . 在本章中,我們的注意力只集中于二級波。

On grasses, injury is usually confined to areas between the veins . 雜草中危害通常僅限于葉脈間的條狀區域。

Crime, like death; is not confined to the old and withered alone . 罪惡同死神一樣,不是單找到老朽頭上。