
configuration n.1.結構;構造;圓形,外形。2.組合,布置;配置。3...


Which contains configuration files used by hsqldb ,包含hsqldb使用的配置文件。

Element to explicitly point to the configuration file 元素顯式地指向配置文件。

Run the apache configuration test and look for a 運行apache配置測試,查看并尋找

Feel comfortable with writing zcml - based configuration 熟練編寫基于zcml的配置

To use intellisense to edit configuration settings 使用intellisense編輯配置設置

Lists existing configurations for the current project 列出當前項目的現有配置。

Provides access to project configuration properties 提供對項目配置屬性的訪問。

The contribution of shell structure to the potential energy function can be obtained from an analysis of relative energies of nucleonic configurations in a potential of given shapes . 通過分析在一給定形狀的勢能中核子組態的相對能量,可以得到殼結構對勢能函數的貢獻。

Larger volumes of cyanide waste require specially designed and constructed treatment plants, tailored to the individual industrial process and flow configuration producing the waste . 數量較大的氰化物廢水需要特別設計和制造的處理裝置,以適合于產生該廢水的各個工業過程和流程。

These facts show that the closed configurations of the noble gases are most difficult to disturb by removal of a electron . 這些事實表明,對惰性氣體的閉合電子組態,要移去一個電子以破壞其組態是最困難的。

A variety of subsurface geometrical configurations are found in nature, and a great number of tools are available for their exploration . 在自然界可找到各種地下幾何輪廓,對于它們的探測有許多手段可用。

the configuration has two tractor propellers, full-span double slotted flaps deflected 45°, and a high tail. 實驗模型有二兩拉力螺旋槳,全翼展雙縫襟翼偏轉45,并有高置的水平尾翼。

In order for the preflare energy to be stored without premature release, the magnetic field configuration must be metastable . 為了使能量在耀斑爆發前儲存起來,不致過早釋放,磁場結構必須是亞穩定的。

Generally the geometry of the electrode configuration is kept uniform while the position is changed laterally along a profile . 當沿著剖面線改變排列的橫向位置時,電極的幾何結構一般都保持不變的。

In fact, fiber configurations may be the major effect, with interfiber friction playing a less role in sliver strength . 事實上,在棉條強力中,纖維形狀是主要因素,而纖維間摩擦只起次要的作用。

a rotation of the molecules by 90°, 72°, and 60°, respectively, transforms the configuration into themselves. 將分子分別轉動90,72,和60,將使位形變換為它們自身。

No stress measurements or crack surface samples were available for examination, only the surface crack configuration . 沒有應力測量或裂紋表面取樣可用于檢驗,只能依據表面裂紋圖形。

This is certainly true for a plane mirror but it is only approximately the case for other configurations . 對于平面鏡這肯定是對的,但是對于其它形狀的反射鏡則情況只是近似如此。

Both ionic and covalent bonds arise from the tendency of atoms to attain this stable configuration of electrons . 離子鍵和共價鍵都是由于原子要達到這個穩定電子構型而形成的。