
confiding adj.信任的;輕信的,相信不疑的。 a confidi...


“ you still confide , then , in sinbad the sailor ? “那么,你還信得過水手辛巴德嗎? ”

Subsequent to lisa's birth, eunice nashman confided to andrew, “your wife is a remarkable woman. “ 薩莉生下來以后,尤妮斯納氏曼曾向安德魯吐露了實情:“你妻子真是個了不起的女人。”

“how insular and pathetically solitary,“ emmerson confided to his journal, “are all the people we know. “ 埃默森在日記里寫道:“我們認識的那些人,多么偏狹、多么孤芳自賞呵!”

“the incidental expenses are so heavy,“ she confides to inquiring friends . “雜七雜八的開銷太大了。”她向問起的朋友們這樣說道。

“of course, that alerted me instantly,“ dr. heissen confided to mox . “當然,這使我立刻警惕起來,”海森醫生向馬克斯吐露說。

“i wish carol wasn't so bossy though,“ confided juanita . 久恩尼塔悄悄地說:“我希望卡蘿爾不要老是這樣發號施令。”