
confidential adj.1.極信任的,心腹的。2.秘密的,機密的。3.(...


He asked that i keep his involvement confidential 他讓我對他的參與保密

Participants will be kept confidential throughout the process 整個過程將為參與者保密。

Security mechanism for confidential e - document 機要電子文檔安全保護方案

Guidelines on handling confidential information -處理敏感或限閱資料指引

Don ' t repeat what i said ( to anyone ) it ' s confidential 別把我的話告訴別人- -這是秘密

Remember to keep this information confidential 記住要恪守這個機密情報

He has been on confidential missions to berlin 他前往柏林執行秘密任務。

The terms are confidential and will not be disclosed 文件條款被視為機密,不會被透露。

A confidential and peaceful environment for recovery 我們為康復者提供了安靜幽密的環境

Protect confidential information from unauthorized access 保護機密資料;

The information in my possession is strictly confidential 我掌握的情報是絕對機密的。

Zoe returned , murmuring with a confidential air 佐愛出去看了又回來,神色神秘地說道:

What i ' m about to say is supposed to be confidential 我要對你說的是保密的

Mrs chan choy siu - kuk , confidential assistant 陳蔡少菊女士,機密檔案室助理

He asked that i keep his involvement confidential . . 他讓我對他的參與保密…

All personal information will be kept strictly confidential 一切個人資料絕對保密。

Use the private number . i want to keep this confidential 用私人號碼,這件事情要保密

Strictly confidential , of course . - confidential 極為機密,當然了-機密?

Handling company property confidential information 機密資料及公司財物的處理