
confident adj.1.確信,深信;自信 (in; of; that...


We have the clues . we ' re pretty confident right now 我們有線索了現在更加確定

But we are still confident that these programs will benefit 我們仍堅信這些項目

I wish i were as strong and as confident as you 我喜歡我能象你一樣頑強而有自信

We ' re confident this is a winning ticket , ellie 我們確信這已經穩操勝券了,埃莉

Who am i ? i am a firm , confident , brave man 我是誰?我是堅強、自信、勇敢的人。

Indeed , we are confident in managing our future 我們確實有信心主宰我們的未來。

Whether you believe me or not, tell me if you can, why confident responsive women are attracted to withdrawn shadowy men ? 你相信我也罷,不相信也罷,只是請你告訴我--如果你知道的話,為什么自信而又敏感的女人會迷上性情孤僻、孑孓相吊的男人?

Thus andrew and celia could leave home, with or without the children, confident their interests would be taken care of in their absence . 這樣,不論帶不帶孩子,安德魯和西莉亞都可以放心地離家而去,不必擔心外出時沒有人照看一切。

He had still something more to try, some fresh application, of whose success he was almost as confident as the last . 他還有辦法可試,某種新到的敷用藥,對于它的功用,他幾乎和對上次用的藥劑一樣滿懷信心。

Even while i spoke in confident tones i could feel in anticipation the lashes which were soon to score our naked flesh . 甚至在我以自信的語調講話時,我能預先感覺到不久即將打在我們裸露的皮肉的鞭撻。

Confident and unafraid, we labor on, not toward a strategy of annihilation but toward a strategy of peace . 我們滿懷信心,毫無所懼,繼續苦干下去,不是朝滅絕的戰略,而是朝著和平的戰略進行下去。

Even those who were confident of being spared and kept on till the job was finished shared the general depression . 就是那些明知自己在工程結束前還能僥幸留下的人,也和大伙一樣沮喪。

Though they are running out of food and drink , the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon . 雖然他們正在用盡水和糧食,但人們情緒很好,相信他們會很快出去。

In spite of this , many people are confident that , the revealer , may reveal something of value fairly soon . 盡管如此,許多人相信這臺“顯寶器”可能不久揭示一些有價值的東西。

Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon . 雖然這些人越來越缺吃少喝,他們仍然樂觀并深信他們很快就能出來。

I am quite confident thatapart from considerations of fortuneyou will admire and approve of my emily . 我完全相信,不從財產方面考慮,我的愛米莉是會得到您的賞識和贊許的。

When high expectations are thwarted they are apt to throw the confident individual into the blackest pessimism . 過高的期望受到挫折,可以使自信的人陷入失望的深淵。

What experience does is merely to confirm and consecrate our confident dream . 經驗之作用無非在于把我們充滿自信心的夢境肯定下來,奉為神圣不可侵犯而已。

He was such a calm, strong fish and he seemed so fearless and so confident . 這條魚是這樣的沉著,這樣的強壯,這樣的毫不懼怕又這樣的充滿信心。