
confidence trick 〔英國〕=confidence game.


So the scene between the pair of them , the licensee of the place , rumoured to be or have been fitzharris , the famous invincible , and the other , obviously bogus , reminded him forcibly as being on all fours with the confidence trick , supposing , that is , it was prearranged , as the lookeron , a student of the human soul , if anything , the others seeing least of the game 這兩個人,一方領有特準賣酒的執照,據傳說是或曾經是有名的“常勝軍”菲茨哈里斯另一方顯而易見是個冒牌貨。雙方的這場吵鬧,盡管旁人絲毫并未察覺其中的花招,然而他作為一名旁觀者,又身為人類心理的研究家,不由得強烈地感到,如果這是預先安排好的話,那就與好計沒有什么兩樣了。

It marked the trade diplomats ' surrender to the confidence trick on which the system is founded 它標志著貿易外交人員屈服于這個使貿易系統得以建立的騙局。

I think that chain letters are a confidence trick and should be made illegal 我認為連鎖信是一種騙局,應該被規定是非法的。

Is the financial system a confidence trick 金融系統是利用投資者信心的詭計嗎?