
confidence n.1.信任,信賴。2.自信,確信;自恃。3.(偷偷吐露...

confidence belt

The two girls sat in a corner exchanging confidences . 那兩個女孩子坐在角落里說著悄悄話。

I might be able to get into the young man's confidence . 我或許能夠獲得這個年輕人的信任。

Sammy has been practised upon, and has broken confidence . 桑米受了騙,把秘密泄露出去了。

That boosted my confidence . 那增強了我的信心。

He expressed confidence that the south vietnamese can make it . 他表示相信南越能頂得住。

Confidence begets confidence . 心腹話換來心腹話。

Their confidence lasted until judith appeared . 直到朱迪思來,他們的知心話才告一段落。

We plume our confidence . 我們在為自信心自鳴得意。

He went into the examination with happy confidence . 他愉快地,信心十足地參加了考試。

Jurek smiled and gestured with airy confidence . 朱理克笑了笑,比劃著,顯得很有信心。

Yet lady chettam gathered much confidence in him . 他贏得了徹泰姆夫人越來越多的信任。

Jurek smiled and gestured with airy confidence . 朱理克笑了一笑,比劃著顯得很有信心。

Her initial confidence can seem brash and naive . 她最初的自信看來是一種輕率和幼稚。

His confidence was eroded . 他的信心頓時就打了折扣。

Everyone now felt a new confidence in the future . 現在人人都為將來充滿了新的信心。

His confidence was enough to let elizabeth relax . 他的信心足以使伊麗莎白放寬心了。

You are in each other's confidence . 你們是心腹之交。

Is confidence wisdom or folly ? 有信心是聰明還是愚笨?

She was in the mood for confidences that afternoon . 那天下午她顯出很自信的樣子。