
confidant n.〔法語〕(可以秘密托付的)心腹朋友。


In each single day of our life , we hastily brush past strangers that mean nothing to us but utter passers - by , but as time advances , one or two from the unknown group might unconsciously become an unalienable part for us , like an intimate friend or a real confidant 作者:趙晶旌每天你都有機會和很多人擦身而過,而你或者對他們一無所知,不過也許有一天他會變成你的朋友或是知己

Everyone wants a piece - his stepmother , a police detective who needs money to pay back his father s business associates , and probably two of his father s shady confidants that he do not dare to trust 每個與他父親有關系的人都可疑,包括他的后母一個欠了他父親生意伙伴一身債的警探以及他父親的兩個朋友。

His candles had burned right down and , before leaving , armand picked up a very thick letter , addressed to his father , which had doubtless been the confidant of the night ' s reflections 幾支蠟燭都點完了,在出門之前,阿爾芒拿了一封寫給他父親的厚厚的信,他一定在信里傾訴了他夜里的感想。

His candles had burned right down and , before leaving , armand picked up a very thick letter , addressed to his father , which had doubtless been the confidant of the night s reflections 幾支蠟燭都點完了,在出門之前,阿爾芒拿了一封寫給他父親的厚厚的信,他一定在信里傾訴了他夜里的感想。

Burrell became diana ' s confidant and his unique perspective casts new light on the princess of wales and the events that would shape her life and the lives of those around her 伯勒爾成了戴安娜的密友,他獨特的眼光給戴妃的生活帶來了新的活力,這一切都改變了她的生活和她周圍的人。

Pierre was one of those people who in spite of external weakness of characterso - calleddo not seek a confidant for their sorrows . he worked through his trouble alone 從外表看來,有些人的性格可以說是很軟弱,但是他們卻不尋找別人來分擔自己的痛苦,皮埃爾就是他們之中的一人。

He was a great confidant of long john silver , and so the mention of his name leads me on to speak of our ship s cook , barbecue , as the men called him 他是高個子約翰西爾弗的至交,因此一提到他的名字,就讓我跟著說到我們船的廚子, “大叉燒” ,人們那樣稱呼他。

The word , friend , covers a wide range of meanings . it can be a nodding acquaintance , a comrade , a confidant , a partner , a playmate , an intimate colleague , etc “朋友”這個詞的意義很廣。朋友可以是點頭之交、同志、知己、伙伴、玩伴、親密的同事等。

Fix made up his mind that , if worst came to worst , he would make a confidant of passepartout , and tell him what kind of a fellow his master really was 想到最后,費克斯拿定了主意,先跟路路通打開窗子說亮話,叫他知道他伺候的這位老爺是什么人。

The siddiqui indicates our family history through hadrat saint abu bakr siddiq friend and confidant of prophet mohammad and the first khalifa of Siddiqui表明我們的家史經由hadrat圣徒abu bakr siddiq朋友和confidant先知mohammad和第一khalifa

The decision [ to give james d . robinson , chairman of amex , the boot ] had been made in such secrecy that some of robinson ' s closest confidants say they were in the dark 決定進行時極端秘密,連羅賓遜最接近的知已都說他們一無所知。

They need an approach they can feel confidant is sufficiently robust to ensure their success , but also simple enough to be immediately applicable 他們需要一種方式,他們能感受到親信夠強勁,以確保其成功,但也很簡單應立即適用。

You have always been my most trusted confidant and you will always be the no . 1 actor in my heart . congratulations on a new beginning 由此至終你永遠都是我最相信的好朋友,永遠是我心中第一男主角。恭喜你有一個從生的開始。

The interview , given to eberhard von gemmingen , a confidant and head of vatican radio ' s german service , is a scoop 主持這次獨家訪談的是梵蒂岡電臺德國頻道的艾柏哈?馮?杰明根,這樣的訪談在教廷史上可以說是前所未有。

The topic , and were glad of an pportunity to discuss it with the only person of whom he could make a confidant 羅杰靈渥斯迫不及待地叫著,仿佛他喜愛這個話題,巴不得有個機會能同這個唯一可以談談悄悄話的人討論一番。

Mr . chamberlain was now in complete control of british foreign policy , and sir . horace wilson was his principal confidant and agent 張伯倫先生控制了英國的外交政策,而霍勒斯?威爾遜爵士則是他的主要親信和代理人。

“ it is so indeed ; mademoiselle eug nie scarcely answers me , and mademoiselle d armilly , her confidant , does not speak to me at all . “沒錯,歐熱妮小姐難得和我搭個腔,而她的密友亞密萊小姐就根本不跟我說話。 ”

A cadre of loyal “ handmaidens “ tended to her , serving as bodyguards and trusted confidants during trying times 皇家“侍女”的骨干力量繼續服務于她,擔任保鏢職責,并且在艱難時刻成為議員可以信賴的心腹密友。

My english is not good , so i hope can make many foreign friends and can learn more english , i also want to find a confidant 我的英文很爛,希望可以交到國外的朋友提高自己的英文水平,也希望可以找到個知己