
confetti n.pl. 〔作單數用〕1.糖果。2.(婚禮中投擲的)五...


A lavish wedding where newly - weds were sprinkled with shredded euro - note confetti has provoked outrage in a french town , a newspaper reported on tuesday . liberation said angry locals in the southern town of sete scrambled on the ground to scrape up the bits of 5 , 10 , 20 and 50 euro notes scattered at the july 8 nuptials 解放報指出,這場拋撒碎紙幣的婚禮于7月8日在賽特鎮舉行,憤怒的當地居民事后匍匐在地上拼湊那些面值為5圓10圓20圓和50圓的歐元紙幣碎片。

Despite rain , the bride arrived at the bridge with her make - up and hair still in place . the 80 - minute ceremony may have scuppered their chances of running a new personal best time , but the couple emerged beaming to a shower of confetti and cheers from guests and well - wishers 整場婚禮進行了80分鐘,耽誤的時間使他們沒法取得比賽佳績,但是伴著飄舞的五彩紙屑,還有賓客和祝福者的歡呼聲,夫妻二人笑逐顏開,喜氣洋洋。

“ as you left the choice of your costumes to me , “ said the count to the two friends , “ i have had these brought , as they will be the most worn this year ; and they are most suitable , on account of the confetti sweetmeats , as they do not show the flour . “你們既然讓我為你們挑選服裝, ”伯爵對二位朋友說, “我就拿了這幾套來,因為今年穿這種服裝的最多,而且也最合用,逢到人家向你們撒紙花,也不會沾在身上。 ”

Jiangxi bangren electronic apparatus co . , ltd . is specialized in manufacturing electronic firecrackers . our products arrange from environmental free - powder electronic firecrackers , electronic saluted firecrackers , sky confetti to bird expeller , remote control and so on 江西邦仁電子器材有限公司是一家專業制造環保無火藥電子鞭炮電子禮炮無線遙控電子驅鳥器高檔燈籠禮賓花等產品的民營企業。

In a later demo ( in october 2000 ) most of the confetti was gone and the overall quality and speed of the system had increased , but the most important improvement came from researchers at brown university led by andries van dam 后來的一次示范( 2000年10月) ,五彩碎紙幾乎不見了,系統的整體品質和速度也有所提升,但是,最重要的改良來自布朗大學范達姆領導的研究團隊。

No matter how high i climbed , encumbered by my net and collection jars , these creatures were always just beyond my reach - like white and orange confetti settled on the treetops 無論我爬得多高,我的捕蝶網和收藏瓶仍夠不著它們,這些生物總是棲息在剛剛超過我能碰到的高度上,就象白色和橙色的五彩紙片一樣高踞在樹梢(點評: “樹梢”應改成“樹冠” ,下同)上。

The 80 - minute ceremony may have scuppered their chances of running a new personal best time , but the couple emerged beaming to a shower of confetti and cheers from guests and well - wishers 整場婚禮進行了80分鐘,耽誤的時間使他們沒法取得比賽佳績,但是伴著飄舞的五彩紙屑,還有賓客和祝福者的歡呼聲,夫妻二人笑逐顏開,喜氣洋洋。

Paris ( reuters ) - a lavish wedding where newly - weds were sprinkled with shredded euro - note confetti has provoked outrage in a french town , a newspaper reported on tuesday 法國《解放報》周二( 8月1日)報道說,法國南部賽特鎮上的一場奢侈婚禮遭到當地居民的譴責,因為婚禮中向新郎新娘拋撒的不是鮮花或彩紙,而是歐元紙幣的碎片。

Jester : zowie , that was close ! but you ' ve taken quite a trouncing today , haven ' t you , vergil ? you could ' ve chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip - top condition 杰斯特:哦,只差一點就大功告成了!但你今天大傷元氣,不是嗎,維吉爾?你現在已經不能把我撕碎了,如果你還處于顛峰狀態倒能辦到。

Te , exchanging handfuls of confetti with the other carriages and the pedestrians , who crowded amongst the horses feet and the carriage wheels without a single accident , a single dispute , or a single fight 那些徒步的人們在馬腳和車輪間擠來擠去,而竟沒發生一件意外,一次爭吵,或一次毆斗。

Jester : zowie , that was close ! but you ' ve taken quite a trouncing today , haven ' t you , vergil ? you could ' ve chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip - top condition 杰斯特:哎呀,好險啊!但你今天已經大傷元氣,對不對,維吉爾?如果你在巔峰狀態的話現在我肯定變成碎紙條了吧。

With fireworks , confetti , a giant tv screen , and red balloons as the backdrop , couples locked lips and hugged for 10 seconds following a countdown outside a manila mall 。在煙花五彩紙屑大屏幕電視和紅色氣球的浪漫氛圍中,情侶們在馬尼拉的某大廈前隨著倒計時聲集體擁吻10秒鐘。

With fireworks , confetti , a giant tv screen , and red balloons as the backdrop , couples locked lips and hugged for 10 seconds following a countdown outside a manila mall 在煙花、五彩紙屑、大屏幕電視和紅色氣球的浪漫氛圍中,情侶們在馬尼拉的某大廈前隨著倒計時聲集體擁吻10秒鐘。

After the priest announces , “ i now pronounce you husband and wife “ the couple will kiss and leave the church as the guests shower them with confetti and coloured rice 當牧師宣布“我現在宣布你們結為夫妻”之后,這對新人就會相吻,并伴著賓客向他們拋撒的五彩紙屑和彩米離開教堂。

In time square , new york , more than a million people watched the giant crystal ball drop and travelers have more than three and a half tons of confetti dumped on them 在紐約時代廣場,超過一百萬人聚集在這里觀看那個巨大的水晶球的墜落,超過3 . 5噸的彩色紙屑灑落到游客們的身上。

In time square , new york , more than a million people washed the giant crystal ball drop and travelers have more than three and a half tons of confetti dumped on them 在紐約時代廣場,超過百萬人觀看了巨大的水晶球降落儀式,同時超過三噸半的五彩紙屑傾倒在了游客們的身上。

With fireworks , confetti , a giant tv screen , and red balloons as the backdrop , couples locked lips and hugged for 10 seconds following a outside a manila mall 在煙花五彩紙屑大屏幕電視和紅色氣球的浪漫氛圍中,情侶們在馬尼拉的某大廈前隨著倒計時聲集體擁吻10秒鐘。

He rose in his turn , and seizing handfuls of confetti and sweetmeats , with which the carriage was filled , cast them with all the force and skill he was master of 他站起身來,抓起幾把裝在馬車里的彩紙使勁兒向他左邊近處的人投去,以此表示他也是精于此道的老手。

In time square , new york , more than a million people washed the giant crystal ball drop and travelers have more than three and a half tons of confetti dumped on them 在紐約時代廣場,超過百萬的人觀看了巨大水晶球的降落儀式,并有超過了3 . 5噸的彩帶灑向了他們。