
confessor n.1.坦白者,自白者;懺悔者。2.(遭遇宗教迫害時)聲...


2 if the above procedure does not work , and the catholic party concerned cannot be separated from the other party for serious reasons e . g . , they must bring up their children together , then the catholic party , with the guidance of the confessor , can receive the sacraments on meeting the following two requirements 2若以上的程序未能奏效,而有關的教友,又因重大的理由例如,必須一起教養子女不能與另一方分開,則可經告解神師指導后,在以下兩個條件同時符合的情況下,領受圣事:

Should your confessor be less indulgent to you in your dying moments than you found the abb busoni , send for me , if i am still on earth , and i will soothe your ears with words that shall effectually calm and soothe your parting soul ere it goes forth to traverse the ocean called eternity . 在你臨終的時候,假如你的懺悔師沒有布沙尼神甫那樣寬容,要是我還活著,你可以派人來找我,我可以找些話來安慰你的靈魂,使你安心地踏上那永恒的崎嶇的旅程。 ”

There is not one of those women , egyptian , turkish , or greek , whom here you call good women , who do not know how , by means of chemistry , to stupefy a doctor , and in psychology to amaze a confessor . 埃及,土耳其,希臘的女人,就是你們在此稱之為好女人的那些人,她們都知道該如何在藥物學上使醫生們嚇得目瞪口呆或在心理學上驚倒懺悔師們。 ”

Not the jealous lord belvedere and not her confessor if she had not committed adultery fully , eiaculatio seminis inter vas naturale mulieris , with her husband s brother 正在吃醋的貝爾弗迪爾爵爺不可能,聽她懺悔的神父也不可能知道她曾否與小叔子完全通奸,曾否被他往自己那女性天然器官內射精40吧

These words are taken from correspondence between teresa and her confessors and superiors over 66 years , which is being published as mother teresa : come be my light 這些詞句出現在66年前德肋撒嬤嬤與她的神父及院長的書信中,這些書信已經被編纂出版,題為《德肋撒嬤嬤:點燃心燈》 。

“ the second was the crime of which you were accused when you asked for a confessor , and the abb busoni came to visit you at your request in the prison at n ? mes . “第二件是你被人控告的那件罪案的經過,就是后來你要一位懺悔師,而布沙尼神甫應邀到尼姆獄中來看你的那件事。 ”

Confessors can commute either the prescribed work or conditions , in favor of those who , because of a legitimate impediment , cannot perform the work or fulfill the conditions 聽告解司鐸,得為那些合法受阻的信友,改換( commute )為得大赦所規定的善工和所要求的條件。

4 confessors can commute either the prescribed work or conditions , in favor of those who , because of a legitimate impediment , cannot perform the work or fulfill the conditions 四聽告解司鐸,得為那些合法受阻的信友,改換commute為得大赦所規定的善工和所要求的條件。

“ a person , whose confessor i am , replied he , and who entertains a high regard for me , applied to me a short time since to procure him a confidential servant 有一個人,我是他的懺悔師,他回答說,他相當尊敬我,不久以前,他請我給他找一個可靠的仆人。

Each of them , from time to time , kissed the crucifix a confessor held out to them . at this sight alone franz felt his legs tremble under him 單單看到這一幕情景,弗蘭茲就覺得他的那兩條腿已在發抖了。

He swore to his confessor that his soul would not rest until he returned the gold to god 他向聽他懺悔的神父發誓說,他的靈魂將永遠得不到安息,直到把那些黃金歸還給上帝為止。

Despite he is a prisoner , father confessors still stay put to help until he becomes a good man 即使他是一個囚犯,神父還是沒有放棄去幫助他成為一個有道德的人

“ then , “ said the count , “ i refer you to your confessor “那么, ”伯爵說道, “我指點你去找個懺悔師吧。

His father is a pious confessor 他父親是個虔誠的圣徒。

Many year ago a group of confessor build this church 很多年以前,一群不畏受難的基督徒修建了這座教堂。

The confessor will hear confessions in english and french 這個神父可以聽取用英語和法語做的懺悔。

Studis into camus ' fantasticing and revolt from the outsider to confessor 略論加繆的荒誕與反抗

It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor 蠢羊才向狼懺悔

It is better to be a martyr than a confessor 與其做懺悔,不如做殉道者。