
confession n.1.自白;承認,坦白;(對神父所作的)懺悔。2.【法...


What are you trying to do , force a confession out of me 你想干什么,強迫我承認

When was your iast confession ? - an hour ago 你上次懺悔是在什么時候?一小時前

You mean compose one hell of a false confession 你是說冷靜下來好編造假的供詞?

Gee . and here i was expecting a full confession 啊呀,我還在這兒等他和盤托出呢

- when was your iast confession ? - an hour ago 你上次懺悔是在什么時候?一小時前

I thought that hanging my head and looking mutely at the ground were a kind of confession and a petition for forgiveness, but she had not accepted it as much . 我原以為低著頭默默地看著地面就是一種懺悔和請求寬恕的表示,但是她卻不這么認為。

One hardly knew at times whether one was reading the spiritual ecstasies of some mediaeval saint or the morbid confessions of a modern sinner . 有時候幾乎無從分辨:究竟在念中世紀某個圣徒的心蕩神怡的篇章呢,還是現代一個罪人的病態的懺悔。

On the evening of april 23 speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of germany's remaining installations . 在4月23日那天晚上,斯佩爾全部坦白了他拒絕執行盲目破壞德國的殘余設備。

I would play nasty to arthur's nice, and tell blunt i had serious doubts about the veracity of his confession . 我唱紅臉,讓阿瑟唱白臉,并且告訴布倫特我對他的交待材料的真實性很有懷疑。

She never doubted that fitzpiers would believe her if she made a clean confession of the actual situation . 她毫不懷疑,只要她對真實情況作出一個清楚明白的說明,菲茨比爾斯是會相信她的。

Let us not concern ourselves with that part of bigger thomas' confession that says he murdered accidentally . 咱們不要糾纏于別格托馬斯那一部分的供詞,說什么他只是失手殺了人。

He was forced to make a public confession that he had been wrong in saying that the earth was not the centre of the universe . 他被迫當眾供認地球不是宇宙的中心的說法是錯誤的。

He was determined to inquire farther into the confession made at carlisle, and the fate of that poor innocent . 他決定進一步調查在卡萊爾所作的交待,以及那可憐的孩子的下落。

Thus, he was thunderstruck when he heard the truth, and received a dismal confession from pen . 這樣,他一知道事實真相,聽到潘愁眉苦臉的向他說明一切之后,真是大吃一驚。

He could not help feeling infinite pity for the painter who had just made this strange confession to him . 他不由得無限同情這個才作了一番奇特自白的畫家。

She dropped her voice as she came to this second confession of strength of her attachment . 她在這第二次承認愛情是如何熱烈的時候,聲音便低了下來。

That dumb confession of hilma's wide-open eyes had been enough for him . 希爾瑪那雙睜得大大的眼睛里的不言而喻的供狀,對他來說,已經夠明白了。

It must be a confession of his inconstancy and confirm their separation forever . 這無非是他那輕薄行為的招供,以及他們一訣永別的判決。

These are the great and fundamental confession of faith of the church of england . 這些是基督教英國圣公會最主要的和最根本的教義綱要。