
confess vt.1.自白,承認,供認。2.表白(信仰);懺悔,向上...


I confess there was more than one moment in 1981 when i felt ready to throw in the towel . 我坦率承認,在1981年,我不止一次感到要認輸了。

I remember a certain famous occasion when you forced me to confess that you had been drinking . 我記得那時你硬要我說你本來是醉著的。

Finally the horses could not find their way and the driver confessed that he was lost . 最后馬迷了路,車夫也只好承認自己束手無策。

I confess that i can hardly venture, at my age, to look for such advancement . 我承認,在我這年齡,已幾乎不大敢冀望這樣的提升。

“i confess i did believe things would turn out badly,“ the doctor proceeded . “我承認我相信事情也許會弄得很糟,”醫生開始說。

“we can never probe the minds of adolescents,“ the headmaster confessed . “青春期少年的思想我們永遠捉摸不透,”校長承認。

You would soon find it out if i had not the honesty to confess it . 要是我不老老實實地承認這一點,那你很快也會覺察出來的。

I confess to a feeling that we should have discussed this problem . 我有這樣的一種感覺,就是我們當時本來應該討論這個問題。

His friend confessed to him her fear of a deep disorder in her blood . 他的朋友向他吐露了她的恐懼她的血液里很有問題。

Cooper, wrestling with these problems, confessed to an angry defeat . 庫珀拼命想解決這些問題,最后不得不怒沖沖地認輸。

I confess i can see no curtains hereabout that answer their description . 說實話,我在這附近看不見她們說的這種窗簾。

Never am i ashamed to confess my ignorance of what i do not know . (因此)我是不知道的事就承認說不知道,并不害羞。

He was in the public clock, confessing everything, implicating everybody . 他站在被告席上,什么都招認,什么人都咬。

Until blunt confessed we were entirely unware of this chain . 在布倫特坦白交代之前,我們全然不知還有這條渠道。

She slowly confessed she was not visibly affecting lives . 久而久之,她承認自己并不能給予別人以顯著的影響。

For me, her pettishness is one of her charms, i confess it . 對我來說,我承認,她的怪脾氣正是她的可愛之處。

I don't mind confessing that i can't stand all this foreign music . 我毫不介意承認我無法接受這種外國音樂。

I confess a sadness to you, but do not i think lack resolution . 我對你講心里的疙瘩,可別以為我決心不夠。

She gave her aunt no handle for explaining or confessing . 她不會給姑母有可乘之機來作什么解釋與懺悔。