
conferment n.(學位等的)授與。


The 59th congregation of the chinese university of hong kong the chinese university of hong kong held its 59th congregation for the conferment of degrees on friday , 24 october 2003 . at the ceremony , dr edgar w k cheng , chairman of the council , conferred 156 degrees of bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery 香港中文大學于二零零三年十月二十四日(星期五)舉行第五十九屆大會(頒授學位典禮) ,大學校董會主席鄭維健博士于典禮上頒授內外全科醫學士學位,共一百五十六人。

Featuring the conferment of five honorary degrees at the 163rd degree congregation held on march 21 , 2002 , the success of the university in recent external research grant applications , the fulbright hk scholar programme and the croucher foundation senior research fellowship scheme , international exchanges and study trips by our students as well as several other major events . . . . 內容包括第一百六十三屆榮譽學位頒授典禮港大近期研究撥款的卓越成績富布賴特香港學者計劃裘槎基金會的優秀科研者獎同學們的國際交流活動和生活體驗旅程等等. .

The ceremony marked the conferment of degrees on graduates and honorary graduates by the hon donald tsang , chancellor of the university , in the third session . the hon chan bernard charnwut , deputy chairman of the university council , presided over the first two sessions , conferring undergraduate and post - graduate degrees 典禮共分三節進行,嶺大校監曾蔭權先生主持第三節的學位暨榮譽博士學位頒授典禮首兩節的儀式,由嶺大校董會副主席陳智思議員主持,頒授學位予本科及碩士和博士學位畢業生。

Focusing on innovation , the paper suggests establishing and consummating the innovation system for doctorial cultivation in four aspects , namely , the construction of the contingent of tutors , the doctorial innovation fund , the selection and evaluation of excellent doctorial dissertations and the paper publishing system , in order to ensure and improve the quality of the conferment of doctorial degrees 摘要以創新為核心,從導師隊伍建設、博士研究生創新基金制度、優秀博士學位論文評選和博士生在學期間論文發表制度四個方面建立和完善博士研究生培養創新機制,可以保證和提高博士學位授位質量。

Article 5 ( competent authorities ) the shanghai municipal educational administrative departments ( hereinafter referred to as shanghai educational administrative departments ) shall be responsible for organizing and implementing the evaluation , examination , approval and conferment of teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level 第五條(管理部門)市級教學成果獎的評審、批準和授予,由上海市教育行政管理部門(以下簡稱市教育行政部門)組織實施。

The chinese university of hong kong held its sixth honorary fellowship conferment ceremony today on campus . eight distinguished persons who are closely associated with cuhk were conferred honorary fellowships in recognition of their significant contributions to the university and the community . they are 香港中文大學今日在校園舉行第六屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,頒授榮譽院士銜予下列八位與中文大學有深厚淵源的杰出人士,以表彰他們對大學及社會的卓越貢獻:

The academic degree evaluation committee shall be responsible for examining and approving the list of holders of the bachelor ' s degree and for making a decision whether or not to approve each resolution on the conferment of a master ' s or doctor ' s degree submitted by the dissertation committee 學位評定委員會負責審查通過學士學位獲得者的名單;負責對學位論文答辯委員會報請授予碩士學位或博士學位的決議,作出是否批準的決定。

Under this collaborative scheme , the research students will still receive their research supervision from their home institution , which will also determine the degree requirements . degree conferment by the universities under each of the programmes remains unaffected 在這個合作計劃下,各研究生仍會由所屬院校指導進行研究,以及根據本身所屬院校的學位要求來修讀課程,并且不會影響各院校按本身課程所頒授的學位。

The university announced the conferment of the title of emeritus professor upon professor fang kaitai , chair professor of the mathematics department , in recognition of his distinguished scholarship in the international academic arena , effective 1 february 2006 香港浸會大學宣布,頒授榮休教授名銜給予享有均勻設計之父美譽的數學系講座教授方開泰教授,以表揚他在國際學術界的杰出成就與貢獻,由二月一日起生效。

Schools and administrative departments concerned shall , in accordance with relevant regulations of the state , ensure that females enjoy equal rights with males in enrollment , admission to schools of a higher level , employment , conferment of academic degrees , dispatch for study abroad , etc 學校和有關行政部門應當按照國家有關規定,保障女子在入學、升學、就業、授予學位、派出留學等方面享有同男子平等的權利。

The chinese university of hong kong conferred honorary fellowships on six distinguished persons at its first honorary fellowship conferment ceremony today in recognition of their significant contributions to the university and other outstanding achievements . they were 六位杰出人士獲頒榮譽院士銜,以表彰他們對大學的重大貢獻及其他杰出成就;他們分別為:杰出的銀行家、香港中文大學資深校友

The secretary for health , welfare and food , dr yeoh eng - kiong , told the media today ( march 22 ) before attending the fellowship conferment ceremony of the hong kong college of community medicine and the hong kong college of family physicians ?生福利及食物局局長楊永強醫生今日(三月二十二日)出席香港社會醫學學院及香港家庭醫學學院院士頒授儀式前向新聞界作上述表示。

The number growth of aristocrats is attributed to the generous conferment of the king , but the prudent , or even stingy , conferment policy , unfavorable factor of population , marriage customs , and the primogeniture limit the scale enlargement 貴族數量的上升得益于國王的慷慨封賜,而謹慎乃至吝嗇的封爵政策、不利的人口因素、婚姻習俗和長子繼承制則限制了貴族規模的擴大。

Hkbu organised a series of activities entitled the “ brilliance of civilization “ to celebrate the conferment of honorary degrees on four distinguished persons at the university ' s 47th commencement last tuesday ( 14 november ) 浸大最近舉行文明的光輝活動,為頒授榮譽博士志慶。活動中四位榮譽博士主持公開講座等活動,分享他們在專業和學術領域上的獨特見解。

Article 15 ( personnel incentive ) the merits of the winners of teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level shall be recorded in the personal files as one of the bases for check - up , promotion and conferment of academic titles 第十五條(人事獎勵)市級教學成果獎獲得者的事跡,應當記入本人檔案,作為考核、晉升、評定職稱的依據之一。

The conferment of degrees by a university such as the university of macau , is a declaration that we are valued , and valued by those we respect . that is indeed a great thing , and we thank you for it 獲得如澳門大學之大專學府所頒授的學位可以肯定我們的價值,這是我們尊敬的人士對我們的肯定。這是一個令人振奮的典禮,我們在此深表謝意。

Apart from the conferment of the honorary degrees , twenty - three graduates were conferred with bachelor degrees on the same occasion , of which 20 were for 1916 , 2 for 1915 and 1 for 1914 除頒授名譽學位外,當日共有二十三名畢業生獲授學士學位,包括二十名一九一六年畢業生,兩名一九一五年畢業生及一名一九一四年畢業生。

Article 22 the determination and conferment of military ranks on reserve officers shall be based on their post grades , their political integrity and professional competence , and their actual achievements 第二十二條評定和授予預備役軍官軍銜,以預備役軍官職務等級、德才表現和工作實績為依據。

156 degrees of bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery ( mbchb ) have already been conferred at the fifty - ninth congregation for the conferment of degrees on 24 october , 2003 . ) (內外全科醫學士學位共一百五十六個已于二零零三年十月二十四日第五十九屆大會(頒授學位典禮)上頒授。 )