
conference n.1.協商,談判,商議;討論會,協商會;會議。2.(學...

conference call

The decision for war was made at an imperial conference on december 1 . 十二月一日,御前會議決定作戰。

The prime minister will be giving a press conference tomorrow morning . 首相明日上午要舉行新聞發布會。

Stane recalled a tea, johnson a legal conference . 史丹回想起有茶會,而約翰遜想起了要去開個法律會議。

The speaker 's exuberance enlivened a boring conference . 講演者談笑風生,使死氣沉沉的會議頓添生氣。

Lenin did a great deal of preparatory work for this conference . 列寧為這次會議作了大量的準備工作。

My first instinct was to call a press conference . 我心里第一個沖動就是要召開一次新聞記者招待會。

The conference carried the denationlisation motion unanimously . 大會一致通過了這項非國有化動議。

They agreed to press for the conference to deal with the problem . 他們同意敦促大會處理這個問題。

He was fairly amiable in the conference on the brown suit . 討論那套綜色服裝時,他相當和藹可親。

It was the scene of an international conference in 1944 . 它是1944年召開的一次國際性會議的會址。

She went off the black pool conference without qualms . 她離開布萊克普爾會議時,毫無不安之感。

After the interview they held a press conference together . 會談后,他們共同舉行了記者招待會。

The conference hall was installed with radio set and megaphone . 會場里設置了收音機和擴音器。

Conference on the law of the sea adopted four conventions . 聯合國海洋法會議制定了四項公約。

Mrs. thatcher was back on her old conference form . 撒切爾夫人又恢復了她過去開會時的常態了。

Every eye at the conference was focused on the rostrum . 代表們的眼光都集注在大會主席臺上。

Their conference was very short, but very decided . 他倆的會談是很短促的,但是很有決定性。

The conference of the four men is amicable in the extreme . 這四個人談得再投機也沒有了。

In time the conference succeeded in adopting a preamble . 最后,會議終于通過了一個序言。