
conferee n.1.會議的參加者[出席者],參加商談者。2.被授(學...


2 restaurants , 23 different styled vip rooms and palm court will let your taste buds soaring . 9 different types conferee rooms can accommodate you for various meeting . welcome to the wenzhou dynasty hotel 酒店還擁有各種類型的會議室8個,均配有全套的會議設施,再加上可同時停放150多輛各類豪華汽車的寬敞停車場,是您社交及商務活動的最佳場所。

We can receive the meetings of large , medium - sized , small different specifications , different ranks , commercial affair to negotiate . offer the exchange environment of the most perfect most forward position to conferee 我們可接待大、中、小型不同規格、不同級別的會議、商務洽談。為與會者提供最完善最前沿的交流環境。

House and senate conferees have been engaged in difficult negotiations on a separate spending bill containing billions of dollars for u . s . military operations in iraq and afghanistan 本周,國會和參議院成員就一份包括幾十億美元用于美國在伊拉克和阿富汗軍事行動的獨立預算法案進行了艱苦的談判。

Conferee : chief representative of representative office , administration executive , administration representative , financial managers , taxation managers , and tax related personnel 參會代表:代表處首席代表、行政負責人、行政代表、財務經理、稅務經理及財稅相關負責人。

The paper introduced the international woodworking machinery & furniture supply fair - usa on the whole , including conferees and items on display 摘要介紹了美國國際木工機械與家具物資展的基本情況,包括展會布展、展出設備及材料的基本情況。