
confer vt.授與,頒與(稱號、學位等)。 confera me...


Diplomas were conferred on members of the graduating class 畢業班學生被發給文憑。

The prime minister conferred with his ministers 首相和他的大臣們進行了磋商。

The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier 皇上授予這勇敢的士兵一頭銜

My parents conferred with me on purchasing the villa 我父母和我商議買別墅一事

The ministers are still conferring on this matter 部長們仍在就這一問題進行磋商。

She conferred her benediction to me when i left 當我離開的時候,她向我祝福。

A certificate conferring a privilege or honor 執照,獎狀賦予某種榮譽和特權的證書

The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier 皇上授予這勇敢的士兵一頭銜。

My parents conferred with me on purchasing the villa 我父母和我商議買別墅一事。

Mr . chairman , may i confer with my client 會長先生,我能和我的委托人商量一下嗎

Business of the league called him to bonneville to confer with magnus and the firm of lawyers retained by the league to fight the land-grabbing cases . 為了聯盟的事務,他得上波恩維爾去,跟曼克奈斯和那個由聯盟聘來打那場霸占土地的官司的律師事務所里的律師們商談。

He was in a state of irritation natural to a gentleman of fine parts who had been snubbed in a benevolent attempt to confer a distinction upon a young woman of inferior characteristics . 一個才華橫溢的男子在向一個品格次等的女子慷慨垂情受到冷遇時往往會覺得憤憤不平,他這幾天來一直懷有這種情緒。

They often ate alone, conferred in pairs and groups, noiselessly read their papers or books, or went here and there in swiftly driven automobiles . 他們往往獨自用餐,三三兩兩聚在一起平靜地商量事情、看報、讀書,或是乘坐疾馳的汽車到各處去。

While he was not as white as some of the blue veins, his appearance was such as to confer distinction upon them . 他的膚色雖然沒有白得像“名門后嗣”另一些社員,但他的外表卻給他們增了光。

There arrived certain messengers from the king, who were empowered by him to confer upon macbeth the dignity of thane of cawdor . 國王的送信人來了,他們奉國王的命令封麥克白作考特爵士。

Nevertheless, it has been shown that side-chain planarity is important in conferring high adenyl cytokinin activity . 然而已經證明,對于高的腺苷細胞激動素活性,側鏈的平面性很重要。

He returned to the united states in 1941 and there conferred more than once with president franklin roosevelt . 他于1941年回到美國,在那里與富蘭克林羅斯福總統作了多次交談。

The new corporate leaders often fly to washington to confer with government officials on national policy . 這些新的公司領導人常常飛往華盛頓,同政府官員商討國家的政策。

Science seems ready to confer upon us, as its final gift, the power to erase human life from this planet . 科學似乎好象準備賜給我們最后一個禮物--消滅全人類的力量。