
confederation n.1.同盟,聯盟;(特指)邦聯。2.〔the C-〕 ...


The british centre british chamber of commerce , the china britain business council , confederation of british industry , city of london 英國中心(英國商會,英中貿易協會,英國工業聯合會,倫敦金融城)

Unquestionably the idea of a universal confederation and a perpetual peace is commended both by common sense and religion 毫無疑問,世界聯盟和持久和平的觀念是受到常識和宗教的擁護的。

General confederation of kuwaiti workers : kuwait city , f . 1968 ; vice chair . - naser haizal ateby 科威特工人總聯合會: 1968年成立。科威特工會組織之一。副主席納賽爾?海扎勒?阿提比。

The member states of the swiss confederation concluded the diet of stans , an agreement whereby civil war was averted 瑞士聯邦各成員國結束了施坦斯會議,得出了避免內戰的共同協議

The swiss confederation cooperates with the cantons as a partner and not as a hierarchically superior authority 瑞士聯邦政府與州政府以伴形式合作,后者并不從屬于前者。

Dr yeoh will have dinner with the swiss confederation president pascal couchepin in berne later today 楊醫生稍后與瑞士聯邦總統pascalcouchepin在伯爾尼( berne )共進晚餐。

It will need to find a way to fulfill the dreams of “ the fathers of confederation ” of so many years ago 她需要找到一條道路,實現多年以前“聯邦國父”的夢想。

The china enterprise confederation ( cec ) has released its latest list of the country ' s top 500 companies 中國企業聯合會近日發布了“中國企業500強”最新榜單。

Confederation of independent trade unions of croatia : zagreb ; f . 1990 ; pres . - mladen mesic 克羅地亞獨立工會聯盟:薩格勒布; 1990年成立;主席姆拉凳?梅西奇。

The first meeting of the international confederation of wizards was also held in france ( op31 ) 第一屆國際巫師聯盟會議也在法國召開( 《鳳凰社》第31章) 。

It ' s the capital of the canton of geneva , the second - smallest canton in the swiss confederation 它是日內瓦州的首府,日內瓦州是瑞士聯邦第二小的行政區。

As with anyone ' s first try at something , the articles of confederation were not perfect 就像所有人第一次嘗試做某件事情一樣,邦聯條例并不是完美的。

List each province and territory and tell when each one joined the confederation 將加拿大的省及地區一一列舉出來,并標明它們分別是何時加入邦聯的?

The confederations cup starts and huth is back in action as germany beat australia 4 - 3 聯合會杯開賽,胡特回歸國家隊,德國4 - 3擊敗澳大利亞。

Confederation of asia - pacific chambers of commerce and industry negotiations are under way 商務導報國際舞臺上的協作地區之間的交流

The committee produced its articles of confederation and perpetual union in 1776 該委員會于1776年完成了《聯邦及永久聯合條例》 。

The confederation bridge is one of the most challenging engineering projects ever built 同盟橋是建造的最挑戰的工程設計之一。

Executive member of china enterprise confederation management consultation committee 中國企業聯合會管理咨詢委員會執委單位。

Caf confederation cup 非洲足協聯會杯