
confederate vt.,vi.(使)結成同盟,(使)聯合;(使)成幫派[...


Terran 4 : “ the jacobs installation “ | | - retrieve the data discs from the | | confederate network . | | - raynor must survive . - 人族4 : “雅各布基地“ | | -從聯盟的網絡中取得數據磁盤. | | -雷納不能死亡

The fires were in part caused by evacuating confederate soldiers , who set fire to cotton bales to keep them from the union soldiers ,在確保格林威爾第一條鐵路的過程中起了重要的作用,在

Then , in april 1861 , confederate troops attacked fort sumter in charleston harbor and the war began 后來,到了1861年4月,南方聯盟軍隊攻擊位在查爾斯頓港口的森特堡,戰爭也因此開始。

Our government decided to confederate our state with the three states nearby in order to contend with our common enemy 我國政府決定與附近三個國家結成同盟,與我們共同的敵人抗衡。

Appointed a rear admiral , he helped command the confederate navy in virginia ' s james river 他被指派為后方艦隊司令并協助指揮了南方聯邦海軍在弗吉尼亞州詹姆士的戰斗。

We decided to confederate with the two small states in order to form a more powerful nation together 我們決定與這兩個小國聯合,組成一個較強大的國家。

The police had tapped her telephone wire and listened in on her conversation with her confederates 警方在她的電話線上搭線,監聽她和同伙的談話。

During the civil war , he served as confederate secretary of state and in the confederate senate 在內戰期間,他擔任南方聯盟的秘書長與參議員。

A war between the southern or confederate states of america and the northern or union states 是美國南部聯邦各州和北部邦聯各州之間的戰爭。

The country tried to confederate itself with other countries for mutual safety 這個國家,為了共同安全,曾試圖使自己與別的國家結盟。

The country agreed to confederate with the neighboring country for mutual safety 這個國家同意為了共同的安全而與鄰國結盟。

As for linda tontini - she was rated the least human of the confederates 而琳達?通蒂尼卻被評為共盟者中最缺乏人性的人類。

Confederate butcher ' s down , 布徹倒下了

And it was told the house of david , saying , syria is confederate with ephraim 2有人告訴大衛家說,亞蘭與以法蓮已經同盟。

Confederate ) butcher ' s down , 布徹倒下了

( confederate ) butcher ' s down , 布徹倒下了

The country tried to confederate with other countries for mutual safety 這個國家為了共同安全,曾試圖與別的國家結盟。

Confederate states of america 美利堅聯盟國

United confederate veterans 聯盟國退伍軍人聯合