
confederacy n.1.同盟,聯盟,聯邦。2.共謀;秘密結社;幫派。短語...


Confronted with serious foreign intervention during the american civil war , lincoln administration made efforts to prevent england and france from admitting the southern confederacy , blockaded the import of materials into the southern confederacy , precluded england and france from manufacturing warships for the southern confederacy , and issued the emancipation proclamation in order to gain the sympathy of the world 摘要美國內戰期間,在面臨嚴重外來干涉的情況下,林肯政府力圖阻止英法列強承認南部同盟,對南部同盟進行封鎖,杜絕物資流入南方,并阻止英法為南部同盟制造軍艦,變相干涉美國內戰;為了獲得世界人民的同情,還頒布了《解放奴隸宣言》 。

The windows smiled , the door coaxed and beckoned , the creeper blushed confederacy . a personality within it was so far - reaching in her influence as to spread into and make the bricks , mortar , and whole overhanging sky throb with a burning sensibility 這是因為屋子里住著一個人物,她的影響是如此深遠廣大,深入到了磚墻灰壁和頭頂的整個藍天之中,使它們帶著燃燒的感覺搏動。

Unusually independent and intelligent for droids of their make , this community of mechanicals feared that anti - droid sentiment , fueled by ruthless armies of the confederacy , was taking over the galaxy 由于這些機器人擁有構造上非凡的獨立性和智能,這個由機器人組成的社團害怕反機器人情緒在銀河里占上風,這種情緒是因為分裂主義聯盟殘忍的機器人軍隊而造成的。

During the clone wars , as the jedi generals tore into space combat aboard their tiny jedi starfighters , they often led loyal clone pilots through twisting maneuvers against the automated space warriors of the confederacy 在克隆人戰爭中,當絕地將軍駕駛小巧的絕地星際戰斗機加入太空戰時,他們常率領忠心的克隆人機師通過彎曲的機動對抗聯盟的自動太空戰士。

It was a slave - holding state , but some of its leaders , such as attorney and statesman reverdy johnson , wanted to remain with the union and not join the rest of the slave states in forming the confederacy 該州是一個蓄奴州,但是有些領導人,例如檢察官與政治家瑞佛迪?強森卻想繼續留在北方聯盟內,而不愿意與其他蓄奴州共同組成南方聯盟。

During the civil war , george washington ' s home at mount vernon , virginia , was treated as neutral territory by arrangement between the union and the confederacy . no armed soldiers invaded the house 美國南北戰爭期間,根據北部聯邦和南部聯邦的安排,位于弗吉尼亞州芒特弗農的華盛頓故居被作為中立領土對待,沒有軍對侵犯過那座房子。

The ladies had crowded round the table , where miss bennet was making tea , and elizabeth pouring out the coffee , in so close a confederacy that there was not a single vacancy near her which would admit of a chair 班納特小姐在桌子上斟茶,伊麗莎白在灑咖啡,女客們卻把這張桌子團團圍住,大家擠在一起,擺一張椅子的空地方也沒有。

Our life is like a german confederacy , ( 15 ) made up of petty states , with its boundary forever fluctuating , so that even a german cannot tell you how it is bounded at any moment 國家自詡的內在發展,無非是做些表面文章,它是這樣一個不易操控,龐大臃腫的機構,家具堆集,自設陷阱,毀于窮奢極侈,沒有遠慮更無近憂,如同一盤散沙。

During the civil war george washington ' s home at mount vernon virginia was treated as neutral territory by arrangement between the union and the confederacy . no armed soldiers invaded the house 美國南北戰爭期間,根據北部聯邦和南部聯邦的安排,位于弗吉尼亞州芒特弗農的華盛頓故居被作為中立領土對待,沒有軍對侵犯過那座房子。

Through analysis of the “ draft constitutional treaty of the european union “ , the conclusion is drawn that the european union is a federation and confederacy ' s mixture , but favors in approaches the federation development 文章通過對歐盟憲法條約草案內容的分析,認為歐洲聯盟是一個聯邦與邦聯的混合體,但更傾向于向聯邦發展。

When the greedy corporate titans and the disenfranchised systems of the galaxy pooled their resources together to leave the aging galactic republic behind , they became the confederacy of independent systems 當貪婪的企業鉅子們和銀河被剝奪的星系們集合他們的資源,拋棄年邁的銀河共和后,共同組成了分離星系邦聯。

An ancient region of southwest palestine . strategically located on a trade route from egypt to syria , the cities of the region formed a loose confederacy important in biblical times 非利士巴勒斯坦西南一古代地區,戰略上位于從埃及到敘利亞的貿易路線上,在圣經時代,這個地區的城市形成了一個松散的同盟重地

For instance , why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again , precisely as portions of the present union now claim to secede from it 舉例來說,正如目前聯邦中的一些州宣布脫離聯邦那樣,一兩年后南部新邦聯中的一部分難道就不會蠻橫地再行脫離嗎?

The confederacy opposed the new leader ' s policy against the expansion of slavery to new states and had exercised what they viewed as their right to secede 南方聯盟反對新領袖不愿將奴隸制度擴展到新加入的各州之政策,因而決定履行他們退出聯邦政府的權力。

To many , he eclipsed the threat posed by count dooku , the charismatic leader of the confederacy ' s political battlefields - - grievous was the face of the enemy 對多數人來說,他超越了杜庫伯爵,同盟一個魅力非凡的政治領袖引起的威脅? ?他就是敵人的一面。

So afraid were they of this threat , that in 1861 they separated from the union and formed an independent confederacy based in montgomery , alabama 他們被這種威脅嚇倒了。因此, 1861年,他們脫離聯邦并建立了獨立的邦聯,建都于阿拉巴馬州的蒙哥馬利。

It was known as “ the gibraltar of the confederacy “ because the battle of vicksburg was one of the civil war ' s longest and most important campaigns 又因為維克斯堡戰役是內戰時,耗時最久,也是重要的一場戰爭,而被稱為邦聯的直布羅陀。

Upon hearing his tale , they realized their predictions had been in error - - the confederacy had lost , yet droids were still widespread 聽了“扳手”的故事,它們意識到它們的預言早已錯誤? ?分裂聯盟已經失掉了戰爭,然而機器人仍然遍布銀河。

A twisted melding of flesh and metal , general grievous ' body is a deadly weapon forged by the cutting edge developers of the confederacy 格雷沃斯將軍是血肉和鋼鐵的一團扭曲的混合體,他的身體是由同盟的開刀口機鍛造的一件可怕的武器。