
confectioner n.糖果(點心)制造人[商],糖果點心店。


And the motley displays in the shops , the gold ornaments of the jeweler s , the glass ornaments of the confectioner s , the light - colored silks of the modiste s , seemed to shine again in the crude light of the reflectors behind the clear plate - glass windows , while among the bright - colored , disorderly array of shop signs a huge purple glove loomed in the distance like a bleeding hand which had been severed from an arm and fastened to a yellow cuff 櫥窗里的商品五顏六色,珠寶店的黃金制品,糖果店的水晶玻璃器皿,時裝店的鮮艷絲綢,在反射鏡的強光照射下,映在明潔的鏡子里。在五光十色雜亂無章的招牌中,遠處有一個招牌清晰可見,上面的圖案是一只紫紅色的手套,酷似一只砍下來的手,血淋淋的,被拴在一只黃色的袖口上。

Venchi offers the world chocolate in its purest form , keeping 125 years of tradition of chocolate making by artisan confectioners . the jc version of venchi will of course be healthy , but still maintaining the taste of true luxury Jc flavor與成立于一八七八年的意大利朱古力糖果制造商venchi前名cuba venchi合作,為現今的消費者研究和調校朱古力糖果的味道,以滿足不同世代朱古力糖果愛好者的特有要求。

While support for the prime minister has recently declined , the public remains generally fond of the first lady , a former dj and the daughter of a former president of one of japan ' s leading confectioners , morinaga and co 雖然安倍晉三首相近來的民眾支持率有所下降,但第一夫人仍然是人氣不減。曾當過電臺主持的安倍昭惠是日本知名糖果生產商森永制果前任會長的女兒。

Why deny it to the teacher from whom i learn an art by which i can gain my bread , and accord it to the confectioner who makes bonbons for the momentary pleasure of a sense of taste 為什么拒絕把這一稱號給予向我們傳授生活技藝而我們靠這種技藝獲取面包的老師,而把它給予為使我們暫時享受一種味道而制作糖果的商人?

It was with this extraordinary procession trooping at his and maria s heels into a confectioner s in quest if the biggest candy - cane ever made , that he encountered ruth and her mother 這一支與眾不同的隊伍跟在他和瑪利亞身后浩浩蕩蕩地進了一家糖果店,要想尋找最大的手杖糖。正在此時他卻碰見了露絲和她的媽媽。

Combine softened butter with confectioners ' sugar , egg whites and flour alternately . whip and stir in yellow food colouring . spread onto a reliefed silicone baking mat , using a pallet knife . freeze 混合奶油、細沙糖、蛋白及面粉后再攪拌加入黃色色素。將面團鋪在烤盤上入冷凍庫冷凍。

Venchi offers the world chocolate in its purest form , keeping 125 years of tradition of chocolate making by artisan confectioners Venchi至今依然全部以人手制作朱古力糖果,以保留家傳秘方下朱古力所獨有的圓潤豐厚香味。

Whisk egg whites and confectioners ' sugar until very firm . combine hazelnut flour , confectioners ' sugar and flour 將蛋白與糖打發后加入已混合過篩的榛果粉、糖及面粉混合攪拌。

Oh yes , she knew him ! he had jolly well bored her confectioner and her when they were together 對了,她認識他,甚至在她與糕點師傅在一起瞎混時,他還給他們制造過麻煩呢!

Florist shops , furriers , haberdashers , confectioners - all followed in rapid succession 鮮花店皮草行男子服飾用品店糖果店,一家挨著一家。

The highest grade retail confectioner is supplied from our speciality department 本地高級糖果零售商,均由我司特制品部供應。

Confectioners ' sugar icing sugar 精制細砂糖

We went into a confectioner s in the galleries of the passage de l opera 我們走進了開設在劇場過道上的一個糖果鋪。

Drain on paper towels and dust with confectioner ' s sugar 之后用紙巾將油吸干,并將食用糖粉撒在上面。

I bought it at the confectioner ' s ( shop ) 那是我從糖果店買來的