confection n.1.(糖果等的)制造,調制;糖果蜜餞[點心];【醫學...
n. 1.(糖果等的)制造,調制;糖果蜜餞[點心];【醫學】糖果劑。 2.精巧的制品;婦女時裝用品。 vt. 〔古語〕調制。 “beaten confection“ 中文翻譯: 薄片糖“coconut confection“ 中文翻譯: 椰子糖“cream confection“ 中文翻譯: 奶油糖“fruit confection“ 中文翻譯: 水果糖“gelled confection“ 中文翻譯: 膠凍軟糖“gum confection“ 中文翻譯: 膠姆糖, 口香糖; 口香糖“chewy type confection“ 中文翻譯: 口香糖類“frozen confection making machine“ 中文翻譯: 制冷凍糖食機“frozen stick confection“ 中文翻譯: 棒冰; 雪糕; 冰棍“light textured confection“ 中文翻譯: 攪打(空氣)的糖食; 酥糖“sweetmeats; sugar; confection“ 中文翻譯: 糖食“confectionary“ 中文翻譯: adj. 糖果點心(業、商)的。 n. 〔總稱〕糖果點心(店)。 “confectio sulfuris“ 中文翻譯: 硫磺糖膏“confectionary; candy store; pastry shop“ 中文翻譯: 糖果點心店“confectio sennae et sulphuris“ 中文翻譯: 番瀉葉硫黃糖膏“confectioner“ 中文翻譯: n. 糖果(點心)制造人[商],糖果點心店。 “confectio sennae“ 中文翻譯: 番瀉葉糖膏“confectioners glaze“ 中文翻譯: 糖衣, 糖皮“confectio rosae“ 中文翻譯: 玫瑰糖膏“confectioners sugar“ 中文翻譯: 特細精糖粉“confectio piperis“ 中文翻譯: 胡椒糖膏
confectionary |
It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods , such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , food sold from vending machines , and for operating karaoke establishments in restaurants 此外,本署又簽發許可證給某些店鋪,以供售賣限制出售的食物,如冰凍甜點奶類非瓶裝飲料涼茶切開售賣的水果壽司及刺身不經烹煮而食用的蠔和肉類,以及經售賣機出售的食物等。 |
It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods , such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herbal tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , food sold from vending machines , and for operating karaoke establishments 此外,本署又簽發許可證給某些店鋪,以供售賣限制出售的食物,如冰凍甜點、奶類、非瓶裝飲料、涼茶、切開售賣的水果、壽司及刺身、不經烹煮而食用的蠔和肉類,以及經售賣機出售的食物等。 |
It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herbal tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , food sold from vending machines , and operating karaoke establishments 此外,本署又簽發許可證給某些店鋪,以供售賣限制出售的食物,如冰凍甜點、奶類、非瓶裝飲料、涼茶、切開售賣的水果、壽司及刺身、不經烹煮而食用的蠔和肉類,以及經售賣機出售的食物等。 |
It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods , such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herbal tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , food sold from vending machines , and for operating karaoke establishments 此外,本署又簽發許可證給某些店鋪,以供售賣限制出售的食物,如冰凍甜點奶類非瓶裝飲料涼茶切開售賣的水果壽司及刺身不經烹煮而食用的蠔和肉類,以及經售賣機出售的食物等。 |
The control process , comprising a pre - entry licensing system , verification of health documents , and surveillance at import control points , basically applies to certain categories of food considered high risk , including game , meat , poultry , milk and frozen confection 進口管制程序包括進口前的發證制度、驗證?生證明文件,以及在各進口管制站的監察工作。有關程序主要是為一些高風險類別食物,包括野味、肉類、家禽、奶類及冰凍甜點而設。 |
It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herbal tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , food sold from vending machines , and operating karaoke establishments 此外,本署又簽發許可證給某些店鋪,以供售賣限制出售的食物,如冰凍甜點奶類非瓶裝飲料涼茶切開售賣的水果壽司及刺身不經烹煮而食用的蠔和肉類,以及經售賣機出售的食物等。 |
The control process , comprising a pre - entry licensing system , verification of health documents , and surveillance at import control points , basically applies to certain categories of food considered high risk , including game , meat , poultry , milk and frozen confections 進口管制程序包括進口前的簽證制度、驗證?生證明文件,及在各進口管制站的監察工作。有關程序主要為一些高風險類別食物,包括野味、肉類、家禽、奶類及冰凍甜點而設。 |
The control process , comprising a pre - entry licensing system , verification of health documents , and surveillance at import control points , basically applies to certain categories of food considered high risk , including game , meat , poultry , milk and frozen confection 進口管制程序包括進口前的發證制度驗證?生證明文件,以及在各進口管制站的監察工作。有關程序主要是為一些高風險類別食物,包括野味肉類家禽奶類及冰凍甜點而設。 |
The control process , comprising a pre - entry licensing system , verification of health documents , and surveillance at import control points , basically applies to certain categories of food considered high risk , including game , meat , poultry , milk and frozen confections 進口管制程序包括進口前的簽證制度驗證?生證明文件,及在各進口管制站的監察工作。有關程序主要為一些高風險類別食物,包括野味肉類家禽奶類及冰凍甜點而設。 |
The control process comprising a pre - entry licensing system , verification of health documents and surveillance at import control points basically applies to certain categories of food considered high risk , including game , meat , poultry , milk and frozen confection 進口管制程序包括進口前的發證制度驗證?生證明文件,以及在各進口管制站的監察工作。有關程序主要是為一些高風險類別食物,包括野味肉類家禽奶類及冰凍甜點而設。 |
The control process comprising a pre - entry licensing system , verification of health documents and surveillance at import control points basically applies to certain categories of food considered high risk , such as game , meat , poultry , milk and frozen confection 進口管制程序包括進口前的發證制度驗證?生證明文件,以及在各進口管制站的監察工作。有關程序主要是為一些高風險類別食物,例如野味肉類家禽奶類及冰凍甜點而設。 |
It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines 此外,本署又簽發許可證給售賣限制出售食物的店鋪,如冰凍甜點、奶類、非瓶裝飲料、涼茶、切開售賣的水果、壽司及刺身、不經烹煮而食用的蠔和肉類,以及經售賣機出售的食物等。 |
It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines 此外,本署又簽發許可證予售賣限制出售食物的店鋪,如冰凍甜點、奶類、非瓶裝飲料、涼茶、切開售賣的水果、壽司及刺身、不經烹煮而食用的蠔和肉類,以及經售賣機出售的食物等。 |
It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines 此外,本署又簽發許可證給售賣限制出售食物的店鋪,如冰凍甜點奶類非瓶裝飲料涼茶切開售賣的水果壽司及刺身不經烹煮而食用的蠔和肉類,以及經售賣機出售的食物等。 |
C ) to create the pwm signal that drives the new high speed on / off valve , the currency pwm - confection of intel 80c 196mc is used , and the voltage , power magnify electrocircuit that used for the actuater ' s dynamic application is chosed and designed 應用intel80c196mc中的通用pwm調制輸出,產生驅動高速開關閥的pwm信號,選擇和設計了適合驅動器動態應用的電壓、功率放大電路。 |
Restaurants , food factories , fresh provision shops , bakeries , factory canteens , siu mei and lo mei shops , frozen confection factories , milk factories and cold stores , and so on are all required to obtain licences from the department 食肆、食物制造廠、新鮮糧食店、烘制面包餅食店、工廠食堂、燒味及鹵味店、冰凍甜點制造廠、奶品廠和凍房等均須向本署申領牌照。 |
Restaurants , food factories , fresh provision shops , bakeries , factory canteens , siu mei and lo mei shops , frozen confection factories , milk factories and cold stores are all required to obtain licences from the department 食肆、食物制造廠、新鮮糧食店、烘制?包餅食店、工廠食堂、燒味及鹵味店、冰凍甜點制造廠、奶品廠和凍房均須向本署申領牌照。 |
Restaurants , food factories , fresh provision shops , bakeries , factory canteens , siu mei and lo mei shops , frozen confection factories , milk factories and cold stores , and so on are all required to obtain licences from the department 食肆食物制造廠新鮮糧食店烘制面包餅食店工廠食堂燒味及鹵味店冰凍甜點制造廠奶品廠和凍房等均須向本署申領牌照。 |
Restaurants , food factories , fresh provision shops , bakeries , factory canteens , siu mei and lo mei shops , frozen confection factories , milk factories and cold stores are all required to obtain licences from the department 食肆食物制造廠新鮮糧食店烘制包餅食店工廠食堂燒味及鹵味店冰凍甜點制造廠奶品廠和凍房均須向本署申領牌照。 |