
confect n.糖果。vt.制造;調制;泡制。


The primary study contents as follows : acquire the superhigh strength and excellent duration by adoption of the confecting technique of high performance concrete ; reduce the penetrability of color facing layer and extend the fixed number of serve years of color stamped facing layer to a great extent by the basis of the compound optimum principle of materials and the technique of surface managing and coating ; realize onetime quick construction and tridimensional modeling of facing and foundation by printing principle and mould and by using subtly the flowing - changing characteristic effacing layer 主要研究內容有以下幾個方面:采用高性能混凝土配制技術獲得彩色飾面層的超高強度和優異的耐久性;根據材料復合優化原理,通過表面處理和罩面技術,降低彩色飾面層的滲透性,大幅度延長彩色印模飾面的使用壽命;借鑒印刷原理和模具造型并巧妙地利用飾面層的流變特性,實現飾面與基體的一次性快速施工和立體造型。論文的主要工作及研究成果包括以下幾個方面。

The deficiency of these substances will directly lead to a low productive capacity of animals , a poor resistance , a slow growth of fat , a small output of milk , and a weak fertility , etc . in order to help the herders find solutions to these problems , mr . bazil confected a feedstuff with necessary minerals for local herders based on the results of the float grass testing and his own personal work experience of many years 去年秋天對當地水草進行檢測,結果發現缺少多種牲畜體內所需的礦物質和微量元素。這些物質的缺乏會直接導致牲畜生產能力低下,抵抗力差,長膘慢,奶產量低,繁殖能力差等。為了能幫助牧民找到解決這些問題的方法,巴茲爾先生根據水草檢測結果及自己多年的工作經驗為當地牧民配制了所需礦物質飼料。

For details , the main contents are as follow : 1 . the research is conducted on the confecting method of steel - slag concrete by indoor experiment . through comparison of the physical and mechanical properties between steel - slag concrete and plain concrete , it can analyze the advantages of using steel - slag concrete . based on the test results , empirical formulae is developed , which provides some bases for practical projects 通過試驗研究了廢鋼渣作為原材料配制混凝土的方法,并將鋼渣混凝土與普通混凝土在配制過程中的某些性質指標作了比較,分析了其原因,并在試驗的基礎上建立了強度與灰水比經驗公式,為工程設計提供了依據。

After waste concrete are crushed , removed impurities , classification , they can be used as recycled aggregates . the technology of using recycled aggregates to confect recycled concrete not only may resolve the environment pollution produced by the waste concrete , but also may save crude aggregates resource , and bring the prominent social benefit , economic benefit and environmental benefit . it is a sustainable development road that can save resources and energy , alleviate the earth environment load and support the ecosystem balance 將廢棄混凝土經過破碎、除雜、分級等處理后作為再生骨料,并利用再生骨料配制再生混凝土的技術不僅可以解決廢棄混凝土帶來的環境污染,還可以節約天然骨料資源,帶來顯著的社會效益、經濟效益和環境效益,是一條節約資源、能源,減輕地球環境負荷及維護生態平衡的可持續發展道路。

In this paper , the confecting technique on many ingredients “ hpc was studied , and the optimum ratio of many ingredients in hpc was confirmed by regression method in spss and optimizing method in matlib , considering mechanics performance of high performance concrete and collapsing slump of hpc mixture . c : bf : fa : sf : uea = 3 : 1 : 1 : 0 . 2 : 0 . 02 . we confected out hpc with the ratio 用這一比例關系我們配制出塌落度達130mm 、早期強度高、后期強度增長幅度大的高性能混凝土,其7d 、 28d和56d的抗壓強度分別為47 . 55mpa 、 71 . 05mpa和88 . 8mpa ,后期強度增長率可達到25 。

The basic principle of the experiment including system composing , responding theory , making and installing of sensor membrane , establishing standard 3 curve , measuring , predicting results and confecting manual seawater etc . optimizing the component of sd - gel membrane by chancing species and quantity of those parameters had mentioned content 第一節實驗部分介紹了實驗使用的儀器和試劑,闡述了實驗方法,包括系統組成與響應原理,傳感膜的制備與安裝,標準曲線的建立,測定方法及分析結果預報,人工海水配制等。

Ybco high temperature superconductor film holds great promise for applications in infrared detector , quanta interferometer and so on . presently the main methods of preparing ybco films have magnetron sputtering and laser deposition . in this paper the dense ybco with perovskite structure were expected to be prepared by sol - gel process . the confecting methods of sol were discussed using inorganic salt as precursors , and the ft - ir was adopted to analyse the chemical reaction and film forming mechanism of stable sol Ybco高溫超導薄膜在紅外探測器、量子干涉器等眾多領域有非常廣闊的應用前景,目前制備這種薄膜的主要方法有磁控濺射,激光脈沖沉積等。本研究旨在采用溶膠?凝膠法制得具有鈣鈦礦結構的致密ybco薄膜。以無機鹽為出發原料研究了溶膠形成過程中的化學反應及成膜機理,探討了si基板上薄膜緩沖層的技術等。

There is an oxidation process in two determination methods of total n and total p , so the samples ' liquation and oxidation processes can be done simultaneously , and the standard curve can be acquired simultaneously by confecting blended standard solution , which simplifies the determination process of total n and total p 由于二者測定時都存在將含氮、含磷化合物轉化為硝酸鹽和下磷酸鹽的氧化過程,因此本研究考慮將污泥樣品消解和樣品的氧化過程同時進行,標準曲線也可以通過配制混合標準溶液來同時測定,這使得總氮、總磷測定流程得以簡化。

The paper discusses the specific problems about the conductive light - solidification composite material ( clscm ) deeply in theory ; presents the coat process of manufacturing clscm and some simple experiment methods creatively . we use several different fillings and different technics to make different clscm , and test some performances . in addition , we confect a kind of fiber - resin composite , and research the relationship between the performance of the material and the distortion of parts 從理論上深入探討了開發導電性光固化復合材料應注意的問題,指出了填料的性能與添加量對復合材料性能的影響;提出了開發導電性復合材料的涂層工藝及一些簡易的實驗方法;利用不同的填料、不同的工藝方式開發出不同的導電性光固化復合材料,并對其多種性能進行了實驗測定或估測;根據理論分析,研究了材料性能與零件變形的關系,配制出纖維?樹脂復合材料。

Firstly , in this thesis , the concert ratio and confecting technics of ca mortar mixture are researched out through the analyzing the 12 technic index and 13 kinds of composed materials despite locking of the related experience in our country . the research of various index of ca mortar mixture is accomplished . the materials made in our country are fully used 首先,本文通過分析ca砂漿12個技術指標及13種組成材料,在國內無配合比資料可借鑒的情況下,通過反復試驗,研究出ca砂漿配合比及配制工藝,完成了ca砂漿的配制和各項性能指標的研究。

In this paper , on the foundation of synthesizing engineering practice and study result of planted bar technique by chemistry glue on the domestic and international , embedded experiment study and theories analysis are done about bonded anchor behavior of chemistry planted bar anchorage behavior in this paper , the experimental results of 32 pulling resistance test ( meiya z3530 ) are given , considering some factors to affect bonded anchor behavior of chemistry planted bar such as the strength of concrete anchorage lengths diameter of steel bar and holes thickness of the protecting layer confecting circumstance of the hoop bar and quantity of construction especially which is very easy to be neglected and so on , and bonded anchor mechanism failure mode load carrying capacity and slide behavior are analyzed in - depth 本文在綜合國內外化學膠植筋技術的工程實踐和研究成果的基礎上,對化學植筋的粘結錨固性能作了較深入的試驗研究和理論分析。文中通過32個化學膠(美亞z3530 )植筋試件的拉拔試驗研究,考慮混凝土強度、錨固長度、鋼筋植筋、鉆孔孔徑、保護層厚度、箍筋配制情況及施工質量等因素對植筋粘結性能的影響,特別是植筋的施工質量對粘結性能的影響是比較容易被忽視的因素,對化學植筋的粘結錨固機理、破壞形態、承載力及滑移性能作了比較深入的剖析。

The latter electrode is made by a 3 - electrode system with cv voltage . in the system , ta foil is acted as the working electrode , a pt foil as the assistant electrode and ag / agcl electrode as the reference electrode . stuff rucl _ 3 ? nh _ 2o is confected into electrolyte . after electrolyzing with cv voltage , ru ion can deposit on ta foil in the fashion of hydrated ru compound 在循環伏安法中,用原料水合三氯化釕配制成的電解液,將鉭片作工作電極、鉑片作輔助電極、銀/氯化銀電極作參比電極組成三電極系統,向電解池通入循環伏安的電壓進行電解,使釕離子以水合釕化物的形式沉積在鉭基體上。

According to the reality of engineering , the article makes a deep study of the electricity - magnetism detection of the loss of metallic cross - sectional area of wire rope , brings forward a designing method of lma detecting sensor based on the theory of magnetic bridge , develops out a data collecting and dealing system that is assorted to it , and accomplishes all the designing and confecting work of the hardware and software of the system 金屬截面積損失是一種較常見且非常重要的鋼絲繩缺陷,本論文結合工程實際,對鋼絲繩金屬截面積損失信號的電磁法定量檢測作了深入的研究。提出了一種基于磁橋路原理的鋼絲繩金屬截面積檢測傳感器的設計方法,研制出與之相配套的數據采集與處理的cpu系統,完成了系統各部分軟硬件的開發與調試工作。

When finished the tests of chloride containing in the chlorinated polyethylene and the confecting of 0 . 001 % standard vitriol liquor in the stearic acid standard , it was found out that the test result according to the test methods in the standard requirement were different from the actual requirement 摘要按對氯化聚乙烯標準中氯含量的測試和硬脂酸標準中0 . 001 %硫酸標準溶液的配制方法進行試驗后,發現按標準中要求的試驗方法檢測出來的數據與實際要求不一致。

Furthermore the systematical investigation on the pozzolanic activity of the compound admixture of lithium - salt residue and fly ash has been carried out . it can confect high performance concrete for hydraulic engineering . the main results in this paper are as following : 1 本課題還對鋰鹽渣-粉煤灰復合摻合料活性進行了深入系統的研究,該復合摻合料與外加劑共用,可配制大摻量復合摻合料高性能水工混凝土。

Fruit processing was still quite weak in hangzhou and no large fruit processing corporations can be found , and processing were mainly on confect , greengage and orange can , even no processing of other fruits 杭州市水果加工薄弱,加工企業零散分布,無大的龍頭企業,加工品種主要集中在蜜餞、青梅和柑橘罐頭,而其他水果加工卻很少。

Hebei hengxing has its own right of export & import and has set up its international department , russian department and factory including dying , clipping , confecting , sewing and trimming workshops 本公司擁有自營進出口經營權,設有國際貿易部,財務部,對俄貿易部和生產部;包括硝染車間,裁制車間,配置車間,縫制車間,吊制車間

This paper ' s main content is the study of short carbon fiber utilized in hpc . designed the experiments with confecting technique , and studied the dispersing technology of carbon fiber into the hpc 本文研究了低摻量短碳纖維在hpc中的應用。運用均勻設計法設計實驗,對碳纖維的分散工藝進行了有效研究。

In order to solve the quality problems occured in using new wall materials , cheap fa - gbs dry - mixed mortar confected in the former stage is used to meliorate its performance 摘要針對各種新型墻材在使用過程中出現的質量問題,采用前期配制的低成本fa - gbs干粉砂漿進行改性。