
confab n.,vi.〔口語〕= confabulation, c...


So we turned into barney kiernan s and there sure enough was the citizen up in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel , garryowen , and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of drink 果不其然, “市民”那家伙正坐在角落里,一會兒喃喃自語,一會兒又跟那只長滿癩瘡的雜種狗加里歐文33大耍貧嘴,等候著天上滴下什么酒來。

The style is different , the meeting room where the facility is perfect , offer the ideal place for business confab 呼朋引伴,相約名仕閣,琴聲妙曼,其樂融融,是休閑的最佳場所。

I ' ve just had a confab with the manager and he says we can all have the day off next wednesday 我剛跟經理談過,他說下周三我們全都放假一天。

For what the trade calls powwows and confabs . . 其此行目的是和她西海岸的制片負責人開一個會

For what the trade calls powwows and confabs 其此行目的是和她西海岸的制片負責人開一個會

You could see these two roaming about all day long with their heads close together in an everlasting confab . 你能看到這兩個人整天逛來逛去,頭挨著頭沒完沒了地密談。