
coney n.= cony.


During his senior year in high school , basketball star sebastian telfair wrestles with the idea of taking his coney island team to the championship , decide whether to attend college or go pro , secure an endorsement deal , and get his family out of the projects 在高中三年級期間,籃球明星塞巴斯蒂安?泰爾法爾被許多想法所困擾,他要帶領他在康尼島的高中籃球隊參加全國錦標賽,要決定是去念大學還是進職業球隊,需要確保一份簽字生效的合同以便讓他全家不再依賴于公共房屋計劃。

In communications , the problem of electronics is how to coney information from one place to another 在通訊系統中,電子學要解決的問題是如何把信息從一個地方傳遞到另一個地方。

The coney island polar bear club took the plunge for a fundraising event to help support terminally ill children 這支陸地兔子挑戰極限隊為幫助末期病兒的籌款活動而跳進水里。

And , in eighteen seventy one , a hot dog stand opened at the coney island amusement park in new york city 然后,在1871年,一個熱狗專柜在紐約的兔子島游樂園開張。

The borough has an extensive system of parks and recreational areas , and coney island is the most famous 該區有許多公園與娛樂場所,其中最著名的是植物園科尼島。

Steph grew up playing at that other garden , coney island ? most renowned playground court 史蒂夫在另一個花園球場打球長大,那里也是康尼島上最富盛名的籃球場地。

A new top dog emerged on new york ' s coney island as the world ' s hot dog eating champion 在紐約兔子島上的吃熱狗大賽中,一個新的冠軍產生。

I ' m here representing the coney isiand community center . it was buiit in 1922 我此行的目的代表科尼島社區活動中心,它建于1922年。

The high mountains belong to the wild goats ; the crags are a refuge for the coneys 18高山為野山羊的住所。巖石為沙番的藏處。

For years , coney isiand has been trying to attract this kind of deveiopment 多年來, coney島一直在試圖吸引這樣的發展機會

Here we are in coney island 這是我們在兔子島

It ' s the heart of coney isiand . it has aduit education , basketbaii 是coney島的心臟.它有成人教育設施,籃球館

I ' m sorry ? - you got isiand towers , i got coney isiand -什么? -你拿到了你的項目,我挽救了社區中心

You are gonna so iove coney island , ray 你會喜歡那兒的,雷

The coney isiand community center . it was buiit in 1 922 . coney島社區活動中心.它建于1922年

There ' s to be a groundbreaking ceremony at coney island 我們會在coney島上舉辦一個動工儀式

( helen ) so we should be to coney lsland in about an hour 那么我們應該在一小時之內到兔子島

Helen ) so we should be to coney lsland in about an hour 那么我們應該在一小時之內到兔子島

Helen so we should be to coney lsland in about an hour 那么我們應該在一小時之內到兔子島