
cone gear 錐輪聯動機。

cone pulley

After canvassing the basic theories and methods of reliability and optimization design of the transmission system , analyze the designs of the v - belt transmission , arc cone gear and disk spring separately . it is propitious to raise efficiency , improve capability , increase reliability , and decrease cost and so on 在研究了機械可靠性優化設計基本理論和方法之后,分別分析了v型帶傳動、圓弧錐齒輪、液壓卡盤碟型彈簧的可靠性優化設計,對其進行針對性的研究,并通過試驗對設計結果進行檢驗。

Vertical reducer for tank series fj cyclindrical and cone gears reducer 釜用立式減速機fj系列圓柱圓錐齒輪減速機

Design and research of a tubular pump with cone gear drive 錐齒輪傳動貫流式水泵機組設計研究