
cone n.1.圓錐,錐形物;錐面;錐體。2.火山錐,圓錐形火山...

cone gear

Technical drawings . dimensioning tolerancing . cones 技術圖紙.尺寸公差.錐體

Second , it wasn ' t a pine cone . it was a pine nut . . 再來那不是個松果,是堅果

On building new tourism golden cone in the west of china 中國西部新興旅游黃金帶探索

14 drilling with cone ( drag ) bit in the section 此段地層采用牙輪(刮刀)鉆頭鉆進。

Now we cone to the main item on the agenda 現在我們著手討論議事日程上的主要議題。

Dad would have to take you back in to get another cone 爸爸就把你帶到另一間

Rule for inspection of spun silk yarn in cones for export 出口筒裝桑蠶絹絲檢驗規程

Soil : investigation and testing . cone penetration test 土壤:調查與試驗.錐入度試驗

Hexagon socket set screws , cone point . iso thread 內六角錐頭止動螺釘. iso螺紋

The staminate cone of pine is male rather than female 松樹雄球果是雄性而非雌性。

Pneumatic tools , rammer butts , cones for piston - rods 氣動工具.活塞桿用沖擊頭錐頭

Technical specification for electrical cone penetration test 靜力觸探技術規程

Technical specification for electrical cone penetration test 靜力觸探技術標準

Handling of oil - leaking problem for oc1560 sx cone crusher 圓錐破碎機漏油處理

Cone penetration of lubricating grease , method of test for 潤滑脂圓錐貫入試驗方法

Light cones ensure that cause precedes effect 光錐可以確保起因在前,而結果在后。

Have you ever had a triple ? scoop ice cream cone 你飲食吃過3個冰淇淋球的蛋筒嗎?

Research on coning compensation algorithms for sins 捷聯慣導系統圓錐補償算法研究

Now you need to turn all these circles into cones 現在你要把這些圓做成圓錐體