
condyle n.【解剖學】髁;(關節處)骨頂部,骨阜,髁狀突起。 e...

condyle femoral

Methods condylar compressive mechanical properties and its bone mineral content were analyzed quantitatively by compressive mechanical property measurement technique and dual energy x - ray absorptiometry in 6 and 6 adult dogs undergone either high shaping or reconstruction of condyles respectively , and compared with 12 normals 方法采用壓縮力學性能測試技術和雙能x線吸收法,定量分析12側正常、 6側髁突高位切削術及6側關節重建術的成年雜種犬髁突的壓縮力學性能和骨礦含量。

The length of mandible in male is longer than in female , and the length from posterior border of the mandibular condyle to the central section of m1 and to the under - minipeak of m3 , the height of the mandibular branch is relative smaller in male than in female 通過對太行山獼猴下頜生物力學、異速生長的研究表明,雄性下頜相對較長,與此有關的生物力學特點是下頜髁后緣至m1近中側長、下頜髁后緣至m3下次小尖長和下頜支高等阻力臂減小,而下頜髁長、下頜髁寬、下頜體高、下頜體寬、下頜聯合長等變量則增強,使咀嚼力增加。

Various anatomical structures were dissected . the distance between these structures and the underlying venous sinus was measured on the cadaveric heads . using 4 . 5 loupes magnification , the occipital condyle was dilled to the intracranial end of the hypoglossal canal from posterior laterior margin according to the procedures of far lateral approach , then the length of remainder was measured 對15個10福爾馬林固定的成人尸頭標本進行解剖:測定橫竇、乙狀竇、竇匯顱骨外表面標志,自后外向前內磨除枕髁至顯露舌下神經管內口,測量所需磨除的枕髁范圍。

Results the superiolateral genicular artery stemmed from the popliteal artery , penetrated biceps femoral muscle and lateral intermuscular septum of the femur to the surface of femur by the superior side of the external condyle sending periosteal branches to the external condyle and participating in the anterior periosteal vessels network of femur 結果膝外上動脈起自月國動脈,經外側髁上方穿股二頭肌腱與股外側肌間隔至骨面發骨膜支分布于外側髁的外側面并參與股骨前面骨膜血管網。

The method was making bone lacuna artificially in rabbits “ condyles , and implanting home - made porous p - tcp . then a serial of rabbits were killed every month and condyles , including material , were taken out . by force of the histological analysis measures such as he , tbs and tdl , an in - depth study went along with p - tcp , the new - born and the interface between the materials and the new - born in the implanted region , we may attempt to ascertain the osteogenetic process of new bone when porous p - tcp bioceramics repairing bone defects 實驗方法是,人為造成兔股骨髁部骨缺損,將自制的多孔- tcp生物陶瓷植入,然后逐月取實驗兔處死、取材,利用he染色、甲苯胺藍染色、四環素雙標記法等組織學分析手段,對材料植入區的- tcp 、新骨及材料與新骨的界面進行研究,探討多孔- tcp生物陶瓷修復骨缺損時,新生骨的形成過程。

Measurements for the following anatomical structures were obtained with the aid of a microscope , the distance between mastoid process and transverse process of the atlas , occipital condyle , and superior lateral loop ; the distances between the midline and the v3 at three levels : 1 ) the distal ( dural ) ring ; 2 ) the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 ; and 3 ) the upper level of the transverse foramen of the atlas ; the diameter of v3h at the origin of the muscular artery and at the sites of penetrating the dural ring ; the width of the v3 at the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 and at the sites of penetrating the transverse foramen of the atlas V _ 3h和v _ 3v各有兩個分支: v _ 3h分出肌動脈支和腦膜后動脈支; v _ 3v分出肌動脈支和根肌動脈支,第一、二脊神經發出的前后支分別與它們又毗鄰關系。通過手術顯微鏡測量下述解剖結構:乳突尖與環椎橫突尖、枕髁外側緣、 v _ 3上外側袢的距離;椎動脈v _ 3段在穿硬膜環、與第二頸神經前支交叉、環椎橫突孔上緣三處與中線的距離; v _ 3h在發出肌支處和穿硬膜天渾醫科大學碩士研究主學位論文環處的直徑; v3v在與第二頸神經前支交叉處和穿環椎橫突孔處的直徑。

Result mediopatellar plica syndrome had the following clinical symptoms : painful knee and mediopatellar tenderness in all patients ; tender bands in 56 . 7 % patients ; positive test of flexion or extension with internal femoral condyle pressed in 62 . 7 % patients ; positive mcmarry “ s sign in 31 . 3 % patients 結果髕內側滑膜皺襞綜合征有以下主要臨床表現: ( 1 )患者均有膝痛和髕內側壓痛; ( 2 )可觸及痛性索條; ( 3 ) “壓迫股內髁膝關節屈伸試驗”陽性; ( 4 )麥氏征陽性。

Conclusion the transposition of external femoral condyle periosteal flap pedicled with superiolateral genicular artery or the direct periosteal branch of femoral artery could be designed to repair the superior part of femoral condyle or the middle segment of femur respectively 結論以膝外上動脈為蒂的股骨外髁骨膜(骨)瓣移位可修復股骨髁上部;以股動脈直接骨膜支為蒂可修復股骨中段。

The study designed and manufactured the new custom - made artificial cartilages of femoral condyles based on the rapid prototyping technique which can meet with the new prosthesis “ demand of diversity , complexity and rapidness 本研究基于rp技術仿生設計、制造個體化股骨踝關節軟骨假體,利用了rp拄術可以滿足多樣性、復雜性、快速性及任意曲面制造的特點。

Our study showed the following : mastoid process , transverse process of the atlas , and occipital condyle were important signs , superior and inferior suboccipital triangle is the important mark for distinguishing vertebral artery 研究顯示:乳突、環椎橫突和枕髁是術中重要的解剖學標志,上、下枕下三角是暴露椎動脈入顱前的一個重要解剖學標志。

Conclusion limited internal fixation combined with external fixation in treatment of children humerus condyles fracture has the advantage of mini - invasion , better reduction and rapid recovery 結論有限內固定結合外固定的治療方法在兒童肱骨髁部骨折的治療中具有實用價值。

Methods subchondral drilling on the anterior slope of condyle and posterior slope of eminence were performed on 12 rhesus monkeys ( 24 joints ) by arthroscope 材料經關節鏡對12只獼猴雙側關節上下腔進行關節面鉆孔術,造成骨軟骨缺損模型,對其缺損位置進行定位和記錄。

To expose the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus , locate the origin of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle on the posterior surface of the lateral femoral condyle 為顯露外側半月板后角,應先找到位于股骨外側髁后面的腓腸肌外側頭起點。

Make an incision of the desired length over the lateral aspect of the thigh along a line from the greater trochanter to the lateral femoral condyle ( fig . 1 - 58 , a ) 手術方法:在大腿外側面沿大轉子與股骨外側照連線作適當長度的皮膚切口(圖1 - 58 。

The result indicates that the patellar tendon , lateral femoral condyle , tibia crest , tibia end , fibular head and fibular end are primarily stressed 結果表明,殘肢的受力主要分布在髕韌帶、脛骨內突、脛骨前脊、脛骨遠端、腓骨頭及腓骨遠端。

The 3 - d wire frame and solid images of femoral condyle could be reconstructed when the digitized data were inputted into image processing software of surfacer 9 . 0 對重建圖象間隔0 2mm下載,第四軍匡大學顧士學位論文以bmp圖像格式保存。

The distance between the occipital condyle and the extracranial end of jugular foramem on the right sides was shorter than the left sides . 3 枕髁及相關測量:舌下神經管內口位于枕髁中后1 3交界處,右側頸靜脈外口至枕髁距離短于左側。

Methods 13 children cases with humerus condyles fracture were treated with limited internal fixation combined with external fixation , and the results were analyzed 方法對13例兒童肱骨髁部骨折采用有限內固定結合外固定的治療方法。

Objective to evaluate the application of limited internal fixation combined with external fixation in treatment of children humerus condyles fracture 摘要目的探討有限內固定結合外固定的治療方法在兒童肱骨髁部骨折中的應用價值。