
conduit n.導管 (=conduit pipe);水管,水道,溝...

conduit system

Optimized design of conduit bracket under pro mechanica circumstance 環境下的管道支架優化設計

Vital conduit to solve traffic problems 解決交通擠塞問題的必要通道

Boxes and box covers for rigid metal conduits 鋼性金屬接線盒和盒蓋

Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - weighing method 封閉管道中流體流量測量.稱重法

Pvc standard for safety for schedule 40 and 80 rigid pvc conduit 管壁厚度40和80的硬聚氯乙烯

Specification - steel conduit and fittings for electrical wiring 電氣布線用鋼導線管和管接頭

Measurement uncertainty for fluid flow in closed conduits 密封管道中液體流量測量的不確定度

Type eb and a rigid pvc conduit and hdpe conduit Eb型和a型硬聚氯乙烯導管及高密度聚乙烯導管

Standard specification for non - asbestos fiber - cement conduit 無石棉纖維水泥導管的標準規范

It ' s a conduit enclosing insulated electric wires 這是包電線的導管。

Sets of two taps for steel conduit thread pg 7 to pg 48 Pg7至pg48鋼管螺紋用二件一套的絲錐

Nonmetallic underground conduit with conductors 帶導線的非金屬地下導管

So why water ? - lt ' s a universal conduit 為什么用水? -水是萬能的通道

The choice of conduits in coronary artery bypass grafting 冠脈旁路移植手術移植血管的選擇

Rccn 90 metal flexible conduit fittings - elbow Rccn 45度直角金屬軟管接頭

- so why water ? - lt ' s a universal conduit -為什么用水? -水是萬能的通道

Conduit systems for cable management - general requirements 電纜管理的導管系統.通用要求

Standard specification for asbestos - cement conduit 石棉水泥管道標準規范

Flexible conduit used as circuit protective conductors 使用軟喉導管作為電路保護導體。