
conductress n.conductor 的女性。


The conductress could see i was running for the bus but she deliberately rang the bell and off it went ? a typical case of i ' m all right , jack 那女售票員可能看到我在追趕公共汽車,可是她故意打鈴,讓汽車開走了? ?一個只顧自己,不管別人死活的典型例子。

As a conductress of indian schools , and a helper amongst indian women , your assistance will be to me invaluable 你可以掌管印度學校,幫助印度女人,你的協助對我是無價之寶。 ”

The conductresses started to hand out their own supplies of bread and sausage to the little ones 列車員們開始把自己的口糧,面包,香腸分發給孩子們。