
conductor n.1.指導者,向導者;護送者;處理人,管理人;指揮人;...


Under its new conductor , the errorism act 根據防止恐怖活動法案,拘留了六名疑犯

Installation methods of power flat conductor cables 扁導體帶狀電力電纜的敷設方法

The woman sees the same conductor walk again 這個女乘客又看見列車長在外面走著。

[ conductor ] please , stay calm and go back toyourseat 請您保持安靜回到座位上去

Is this new material a conductor or an insulator 這種新材料是導體還是絕緣體?

Shipboard cables with symmetrical conductors - general 船用對稱式通信電纜一船規定

Copper conductor pvc - insulated parallel flexible cord 銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣平型軟線

Pvc - covered conductors for overhead power lines 懸吊式動力線用聚氯乙烯覆蓋導體

Test method for resistance of conductor of printed boards 印制導線電阻測試方法

En shao conductor - igor stravinsky : symphonies 邵恩指揮史達拉汶斯基:交響曲集

Conductor : no , it doesn ' t . you need to take bus 52 售票員:不到。你應該乘52路。

The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman 列車長原來是一位青年婦女。

You ' ll have to get off here , ' the conductor said . 你得在這里下車了, '售票員說。

Protectors for paired conductor communication circuits 雙芯導線通信電路用保護器

Non - insulated crimp - type sleeves for copper conductors 銅導線用非絕緣壓合型套管

To maintain a continuous current, we must in some way maintain a force on the mobile charges in a conductor . 為了在導體內維持恒電流,我們必須用某些方法,使導體內的可動電荷保持受到一個力。

Jeanie followed her consequential and surly, but not brutal, conductor towards the rectory . 珍妮跟著這個趾高氣揚、有點乖戾,但不算粗野的帶路人向教區住宅走去。

A branch point in a network is a point where three or more conductors are joined . 在網絡中,凡三個或三個以上的導體聯結的一點,稱為節點(或稱分支點)。

Metals and other substances that allow the motion of electric charge through them are called conductors . 金屬和其他容許電荷在其中遷移的材料叫做導體。