
conductibility n.傳導性[力]。


The electric conduction of this material is gained by filling conductive particles or fibers , such as carbon black , carbon fiber , metallic powder and metallic fiber etc . into one or more polymers . it has many advantages , such as light qualities , light abrasion , easy processing and stable conductibility etc . 它是通過填充導電粒子或導電纖維如炭黑、碳纖維、金屬粉及金屬纖維等來達到導電的目的,具有質輕、耐用、易加工、導電性穩定等優點,近年來,市場需求不斷增加。

The temperature of surface concrete varies with environmental temperature , but the conductibility of inner concrete is very poor . as a result , a quick decrease of environmental temperature will lead to large temperature gradient and then tensile stress develop soon in the thick direction , which will probably occur on the entire cross - section 混凝土表面溫度隨外界溫度波動而波動,但內部的導溫性能很差,所以在外界溫度驟降時將引起很大的溫度梯度,從而在厚度方向上拉應力發展很快,這極易引起全斷面拉應力發生。

6 5 = 27 . 8 % , o r = 74 . 3 % iacso the second , above alloys not only have good strength and conductibility at room temperature but also have good strength at high temperature . bar alloy can hold o b = 274mpa and o o2 = 250mpa at 350 ? while end ring alloy can hold o b = 200mpa and o 02 = l65mpa at350 ? 研究合金不僅在常溫具有很好的強度和導電性,而且具有較高的高溫強度,導條合金在350時b仍保持在274mpa左右, 0 . 2仍保持在250mpa左右;端環合金在350時b仍保持在200mpa以上, 0 . 2仍保持在165mpa以上。

This article takes the corrections of accounting errors as one of the profit - manipulate . it begins with the root and the objective condition of the profit - manipulate , to analysis the reason and motivation of the corrections of accounting errors . then , on the base of the effective market content and the capm theory , this paper analyses empirically the market conductibility of corrections of accounting errors with all “ a “ shares in 2001 , and discovers there is no difference on stockjobbing amount and price 從利潤操縱存在的根源和客觀條件入手,分析上市公司進行會計差錯及其更正的原因和動機;然后,以有效市場假說的基本理論和資本資產定價模型為基礎,對2001年滬市a股所有進行會計差錯更正的上市公司進行會計差錯的發生和更正的市場傳導效應研究,通過檢驗發現,公司年度報告披露前后時窗內的股票交易量和股票價格并未存在顯著差異。

In this dissertation , refining grains , depositing conductibility carbon film on the surface of the particles and doping mg ~ ( 2 + ) into the lattice of lifepo4 were adopted to improve the electro - chemical performance of the cathode material . the cathode material lifepo4 mainly has two flaws , the low conductibility and the slow li + ion diffusion , which have a bad influence on the performance of the cathode material 論文主要針對制約正極材料lifepo _ 4性能的兩大致命的缺點,即低的電子導電率和低的鋰離子擴散速率,采取材料顆粒的細化、顆粒表面沉積碳導電層以及mg ~ ( ~ ( 2 + ) )離子摻雜等措施對其進行改性探索,以提高正極材料lifepo _ 4的電化學性能。

Based on the above , a surrogate models are built for thermal conductibility performance of sandwich panel with “ v - type “ folded core in this paper , and they can be optimized by multi - subject . the numerical simulation function and optimization design method in condition of lightest weight are shown in this paper 其次,用isight軟件重新設計了40組不同構型的試驗設計點,并以此為基礎對v型褶皺芯材夾層板的熱傳導性能構建了可用的代理模型,給出了數值模擬函數和最輕重量條件下的優化設計方法。

In the years of errors and corrections respectively , through the empirical analysis on stockjobbing amount and price , it researches there ' s no difference on studied sample and control sample in appointed areas , and the investors of our securities business have no specially attention on these information . on the other word , we validate the corrections of accounting errors have no market conductibility . later , it analysis the reasons 分別在會計差錯的發生年度和差錯的更正年度中,通過測試和控制樣本的股票交易量、平均超額收益率和累計超額收益率在報表公布日前后各30天的時窗內的檢驗,說明我國證券市場的投資者對這類信息未予以特別關注,即我國上市公司的會計差錯及其更正行為不具有市場傳導效應,并進一步從理論上分析了這種現象產生的原因。

Al self - oxide powder , al2o3 - al blending powder and sic - al blending powder extrusion wires obtained by experiments had high tensile strength as well as high conductibility 實驗所得的鋁粉末自氧化擠壓線材及用al _ 2o _ 3和sic顆粒強化所得的線材具有高的抗拉強度和良好的導電性能。

Then , based on lemons model , the paper analyses the market conductibility of the alteration of financing capital ' s use 然后,在阿克勞夫模型的基礎上,對上市公司變更募集資金投向的市場傳導效應進行了理論分析。

A study on the market conductibility of the alteration of financing capital ' s use by china ' s listed companies 我國上市公司募集資金變更投向的市場反應研究