
conductance n.【電學】電導;電導系數;傳導(性)。


This definition of effective permeability implies that the medium can have a distinct and measurable conductance to each phase present in the medium 這一有效滲透率定義意味著介質對存在于其中的每一種流體有明顯的和可測量的傳導性。

Hfets ( doped channel ) : concept ; i - v model including velocity saturation ; gate 2 characteristics ; output conductance ; applications of strained layers 基本概念,電流-電壓模型,其中包括速度飽和,閘極特性,輸出電導,應變層的應用。

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories . part 6 : special requirements for ohmmeters impendance meters and conductance meters 直接動作指示模擬電氣測量儀器及其附件.第6部分:歐姆表

The conductance - voltage curve is obtained under taking into account the coulomb interaction in the dot , also its physics meanings are discussed 考慮量子點上的庫侖相互作用,得到了電導門壓的共振隧穿曲線,并討論其物理意義。

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories . part 6 : special requirements for ohmmeters impedance meters and conductance meters 直接作用模擬指示電測量儀表及其附件第6部分:電阻表

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories part 6 : special requirements for ohmmeters impedance meters and conductance meters 直接動作指示模擬電氣測量儀器及其附件.第6部分:歐姆表

The attenuation caused by skin effect and shunt conductance may be increased by severe icing conditions by as much as sic or more time 溫度每升高1 ,半導體的電導率就增大3 - 6 % ,其中十分之一的半導體,電導率約增大75 % ,甚至更多

Hexa - ferrites are characteristic of ferromagnetism and conductance , so that they can produce magnetic hysteresis loss and electricity loss 它既能產生磁滯損耗又能產生電致損耗,因而是一種優良的微波吸收材料。

Standard guide for collection of water temperature , dissolved - oxygen concentrations , specific electrical conductance , and ph data from open channels 從明渠中采集水溫溶解氧濃度具體電導性和ph值的標準指南

Methods for determining thermal insulating properties - tests for thermal transmittance and conductance - guarded hot - box method 熱絕緣性能測定方法.第3部分:熱傳遞系數和導熱性試驗.第1節:保護熱箱法

Effects of soil bulk density on aba concentration in xylem sap and stomatal conductance of maize zea mays l . plant under different soil water conditions 下層土壤容重對玉米根系生長及吸收活力的影響

The improvement of the performance resulted from the amendment of electro - conductance & the refinement of grains & particles 材料電化學性能的改善歸因于顆粒表面沉積了一薄層導電碳和顆粒的細化。

Insulating liquids - determination of dielectric dissipation factor by measurement of the conductance and capacitance - test method 絕緣液體.通過測量電導率和電容量來測定介電損耗因數.試驗方法

Methods for determining thermal insulating properties - tests for thermal transmittance and conductance - calibrated hot - box method 熱絕緣性能測定方法.熱傳遞系數和導熱性試驗.第2節:校準熱箱法

Insulating liquids - determination of the dielectric dissipation factor by measurement of the conductance and capacitance - test method 絕緣液.通過測量電導率和電容量測定介電損耗系數.試驗方法

With the reducing of s s fibers “ diameter , the axial conductance rate of the fiber was reduced , the resistance increased 隨著奧氏體不銹鋼纖維絲徑的減小,纖維的軸向電導率降低,電阻增加。

The influences of sei and electrolyte conductance was investigated when lithium ion battery was discharged in high current 研究了sei膜及電解液電導率等對鋰離子電池大電流放電性能的控制作用。

Insulating liquids . determination of the dielectric dissipation factor by measurement of the conductance and capacitance . test method 絕緣液體.通過測量電導率和電容測定電介質的消散因子

Modifying the fault - conductance matrix can simulate the ground faults and other kinds of fault in the stator windings 通過修改故障電導矩陣,實現單相接地故障和其它類型故障的仿真分析。