
conduct n.1.行為,舉動;操行,品格。2.指導;帶領;護送。3...

conduct sheet

Most plastics do not readily conduct heat or electricity . 大多數塑料不易傳熱或導電。

Now this can only happen by some defect in your conduct . 我看這完全是你為人有缺點。

She has received a written warning about her conduct . 她已接獲對她操行的書面警告。

I will not suffer such conduct . 我不能容忍這種行為。

We are conducting a poll among school leavers . 我們正在對中學畢業生進行民意調查。

His conduct offended against the rules of decent behavior . 他的行為已經離格兒了。

This liquid conducts heat energy very efficiently . 這種液體能十分有效地傳導熱能。

How did the prisoner conduct himself ? 那犯人表現如何?

Her conduct is a mystery to me . 她的行為使我莫名其妙。

His conduct is at variance with his words . 他言行不符。

Jones elected to conduct hanley's interrogation himself . 瓊斯決定親自審問漢利。

Any harmful conduct to the public interest must not be permitted . 都應該制止。

They conducted themselves without any reserve whatever . 他們行動一點也不自檢。

The judge conducted four trials in one day . 那位法官在一天之內主持了4次審判。

There are some shortcomings in one 's conduct . 行止有虧。

He conducted us personally through the mansion . 他親自領我們到大廈各處參觀。

She taught us how to conduct experiments . 她教我們做實驗。

Your conduct leaves a lot to be desired . 你的品行極須改進。

His conduct reflects on his parents . 他的行為使他父母丟臉。