
conduce vi.導致;有助于,有益于。 Rest conduces...


People meets with the ceremony when association , conduce to strengthen people between the new - style relation of mutual respect , friendly collaboration , alleviate or avoid certain needless affection is contrary with the obstacle 人們在交往時以禮相見,有助于加強人們之間互相尊重、友好合作的新型關系,緩和或避免某些不必要的情感對立與障礙。

Connected transaction is normal commercial transaction and should be protected by law . in reality , there are so many unfair and iniquity connected transaction that great defect are conduced 關聯交易就其本身的性質而言是一種中性的商業交易行為,因而受到法律的保護,但不公平、不公正關聯交易在現實中大量存在,因而其不免存在幾方面的危害。

I comprehended how he should despise himself for the feverish influence it exercised over him ; how he should wish to stifle and destroy it ; how he should mistrust its ever conducing permanently to his happiness or hers 我理解他怎么會因為這種愛給他帶來的狂熱影響而鄙視自己,怎么會希望抑殺和毀滅它,而不相信愛會永遠有助于他或她的幸福。

The great dropping behind of economy and culture in recent china conduced the inconsequence of industry distribution . especially the unbalance development in the south and west affect hugely on the economy of new china 近代中國經濟文化極其落后,導致我國工業布局嚴重不合理,尤其是東西部地區發展失衡,極大的影響著新中國的經濟發展。

Exemplified by the malinqiao low - temperature hot water , this paper explains the enrichment regularity of such trace elements as hg , as and b , which play an obvious indication role in search for heat - conducing structures 以麻林橋低溫熱水為例,說明土壤中的汞、砷、硼微量元素的富集規律,這些微量元素對尋找地下導熱構造有明顯的指示作用。

The appropriate statistical methods conduce to searching for the corresponding influential factors correctly and better understanding of the acting mechanism of the factors on the academic performance 恰當的統計方法能夠準確地尋找到相應的影響因素,了解各個影響因素對學習成績影響的作用機制,有助于提高學生的心理健康水平和學習成績。

Not only dose it conduce to improving efficiency and quality of teaching and learning , it but impels a profound changing in the field of teaching mode , and makes education accommodate to the age of information 它不僅有助于提高教學效率和教育質量,而且能促使傳統的教育方式發生深刻的變化,使教育能夠真正的適應信啟、社會的需要。

It ' s very important to analyse the ultimate strength of hull girder in ship design . and the aim of the analysis is to get the numerical value of the loads or assembled loads which conduce structure invalidation 船體梁總縱極限強度分析在船舶設計中是一個很重要的問題,它是探索導致船體截面單元破壞的那些載荷的大小及其組合。

It had matured chinese modern law system and conduced to the fusion of chinese conventional law culture and international law civilization . it also had laid a foundation for the chinese commercial law construction 它完備了中國近代的法學體系,有助于中國傳統法律文化與世界法律文明的相互融匯,為中國近代商法建設奠定了基礎。

From analyzing the reasons of a typical uncontrollable high speed accident on the c50 - 90 / 13 - 1 type steam turboset , the general character of this accident was conduced , and a successful countermeasure was proposed 摘要通過對c50 - 90 / 13 - 1型汽輪發電機組一次典型的飛車事故原因分析,歸納汽輪機飛車事故的共性,提出有效的預防措施。

Impartiality conduces to obtaining high effectiveness , and high effectiveness conduces to achieving impartiality . so , it is essential for our system to find out a suitable combination between state and community 公平有助于獲得高效率,高效率有助于實現公平。為此,這一選任制度當在國家、社會之間找到一個適當結合點。

So it is important to chose the apt electrolyte and it ’ s additive . excellent electrolyte and it ’ s additive will conduce to form the sei film which has steady structure and good performance 因此,選擇適當的電解液及其添加劑,以保證電解液各組分在電極/電解液界面形成性能優良、結構穩定的sei膜是非常重要的。

However , one or two high - technology innovation is not completely enough , the vital is structuring a self - sustaining social system conduce to innovation in the technology 但要使一個國家確立其高技術產業優勢,僅僅依靠一兩項尖端技術創新成就是不行的,重要的是建立某種有助于技術創新持續進行的社會體制。

A lot of groups support the systematic view in word , but have never put it into practice in fact and can never examine with heart and soul how his own action conduces the question 許多團隊口頭上雖然擁護系統的觀點,但實際上卻從未付諸實行,從來不會用所有的心力來認真地檢驗自己的行動如何造成問題。

A lot of groups support the systematic view in word , but has never put it into practice in fact and can never examine with heart and soul how his own action conduces the question 許多團隊口頭上雖然擁護系統的觀點,但實際上卻從未付諸實行,從來不會用所有的心力來認真地檢驗自己的行動如何造成問題。

On the basis of duality multinomial fit , the fast algorithm of revising shooting error which is conduced by the changing of cannon muzzle initial velocity is set up 論述了二元射表多項式擬合,在此基礎上作者提出了可行的炮口初速修正快速實時算法,很好的修正了彈丸初速改變量引起的射擊誤差。

A clear understanding of schmitt ' s outlooks of politics and state conduces to the pursuit of political resources of challenges against one ' s country under the diversified international background 理清施米特的政治和國家硯念,對尋求多元化的國際背景下國家之挑戰的政治資源大有禪益。

In chapter five , the author investigates the origin of ibe , describes the development of ibe at home and abroad , in order to conduce to studying ibe and its essence 第五章:認真考察了網絡教育的起源,探究了網絡教育發生的動力,概觀了國內、國外網絡教育發展的歷史和現狀。

Conclusion : pressure , to some extent , conduces to push people . once the breaking point is reached , harmful impacts show up . so people need to learn to control the balance 總結:壓力在某種程度上有助于促人進步。一旦超過臨界點,就會產生有害的影響。因此人們需要學會掌控平衡。