
condottiere n.〔意大利語〕 (pl. -ri ) (14-16世紀...


“ my opinion is , that all these old podestas , these ancient condottieri , - for the cavalcanti have commanded armies and governed provinces , - my opinion , i say , is , that they have buried their millions in corners , the secret of which they have transmitted only to their eldest sons , who have done the same from generation to generation ; and the proof of this is seen in their yellow and dry appearance , like the florins of the republic , which , from being constantly gazed upon , have become reflected in them . “我的意見是,這些邊關大將,這些節度使。要知道卡瓦爾康蒂曾統領過大軍,坐鎮過幾個省。他們的百萬家財都藏在秘密角落里,只把這種秘密傳給他的長子,長子再同樣的一代代傳下去,證據就是他們都干黃枯癟,象共和國的金幣一樣,真是愈看愈象。 ”