
condone vt.1.寬恕,寬容(配偶的通奸行為)。2.用(行動、事...


In commenting on this year s special 301 process , iipa president eric h . smith noted : “ the annual special 301 process is a cornerstone of the u . s . government s effort to open foreign markets closed to the u . s . copyright - based industries by high levels of piracy or market access barriers that keep out the products of the u . s . s most productive industries . it targets those countries which continue to condone high levels of piracy and other trade barriers that directly impact on u . s . jobs and economic growth . besides discussion of these barriers and ranking the countries on the traditional special 301 lists , iipa s submission also identifies the other principal priorities for the creative industries in 2001 . 我們支持持續增加國家衛生研究院及其他科學機構的基礎科學研究經費;加快核準新藥的過程以盡可能讓它們快速且安全上市;透過稅負獎勵及小型企業創新研究計劃,鼓勵私人企業在研發上的投資和小型企業的發展;促進保護智慧財權及開放生技發明與產品的國際市場;建立公共資料庫,使科學家得以相互協調合作,像這樣的生技業已是大學研究人員、政府及民間產業合作的全世界最佳典范之一。

The powder reaction and the composite and condone reaction are thought to be the main reasons to get the high property . by mathematically analyses ratio - strength of concrete that ground high - ti bfs contribute to the strength of concrete are varied with amount of powder in hpc . the more amount of powder is above 20 percent , the compression strength reduce gradually 同時,在本實驗的范圍內,微粉對高鈦礦渣混凝土強度貢獻率隨摻量的增加而增加;但強度值與摻量之間存在最佳摻量20 ,超過20時混凝土強度隨礦渣微粉摻量增加而下降。

This may in part explains the observation that , more so in chinese societies than elsewhere , many people hold the government to very high ethical standards , while at the same time are much more willing to tolerate , take for granted , and so unwittingly condone , ethically dubious practices arising from the business sector 這也許局部地解釋了尤其在華人社會,為甚么很多人一方面要求政府行事須符合極高的道德標準,另一方面,對于工商界可能有違道德操守的做事方法,卻愿意多加容忍,見怪不怪,以致不自覺地變得事事包容。

But security obtained under these circumstances is at best temporary , at worst illusory . both president bush and secretary powell have made very clear publicly and privately that the u . s . does not and will not condone governments using counterterrorism as an excuse to silence peaceful expressions of political or religious views 布什總統和鮑威爾國務卿都在公開和不公開場合明確表示,美國現在和未來都不會容忍政府以反恐怖主義為借口壓制和平表達政治或宗教觀點。

Barrick may encounter particular pressure to make such payments in countries where extraordinary competition exists for mining opportunities and should be particularly vigilant not to be tempted by assertions that such practices are common or condoned in that country 在某些國家,取得礦山開采權的競爭非常激烈,送禮送錢的風氣流行,政府不加追究,巴力克可能會面臨壓力要求贈送禮物禮金,碰到這種情況,巴力克應當不為所動。

Cleverlearn does not condone fraud : in the event of any unauthorized use of your account or unauthorized credit card charges or debit card charges , you must notify cleverlearn , and you will be responsible for such unauthorized use or charges until you notify cleverlearn 慧學英語不允許任何欺騙行為:如果出現了未經授權就使用您的賬號或從您的信用卡消費卡上扣款的行為,您必須及時通知慧學英語。

The university expects a high moral standard and ethical conduct among its students and student organizations , and would not condone the publication of such indecent or offensive material , especially in the name of student organizations 大學期望學生及學生組織須具有高尚的品格和道德操守,絕不容許同學及學生組織出版載有不雅及粗鄙內容的刊物,尤其是以中大學生組織名義出版的刊物。

The 220 - page lawsuit , which also names 13 other us officials , was sent to federal prosecutors under a german law that allows the prosecution of war crimes regardless of where they were committed . it alleges that rumsfeld personally ordered and condoned torture 律師們以12名曾在伊拉克阿布格萊布監獄遭受虐待的囚犯之名控告拉姆斯菲爾德,稱他“指揮并默許虐囚” 。

Yet some opponents of the superpower ' s occupation of iraq make an equal mistake when they lump together ? and condone ? as “ resistance ” all of the violent acts committed by america ' s foes in iraq 但是反對美國對伊占領的人也犯了同樣嚴重的錯誤?他們把所有的暴力襲擊都說成了當地“反美武裝”對美國占領的“抵抗” ,甚至還寬恕這些“反美武裝”所犯的罪行。

Why is polygamy condemned in the book of mormon , but condoned in portions of the d & c ( condemned in others ) and still believed to be necessary in church doctrine for exaltation in the after - life 為什麼重婚在《摩門經》里面被譴責,卻在《教義與圣約》里面部分章節被赦免呢(在其他章節被譴責) ,并且在教會的教義仍然被相信是死后高升的必要條件呢?

The venue managements are partially to blame for condoning transgressions of their house rules when they should be enforcing them strictly and without exceptions , taking a leaf from other countries 表演場所的管理者也有一份責任:對破壞規矩的行為,他們不像外國的做法那樣,嚴厲制止、不容例外,而是姑息縱容,聽之任之。

The venue managements are partially to blame for condoning transgressions of their house rules when they should be enforcing them strictly and without exceptions , taking a leaf from other countries 表演場所的管理者也有一份責任:對破壞規矩的行為,他們不像外國的做法那樣,嚴厲制止不容例外,而是姑息縱容,聽之任之。

Well , microsoft is the united state ' s government condoned monopoly , so 200 million internet users , and 100 major web companies dutifully signed up for microsoft ' s passport wallet service 那么,微軟是美國的政府壟斷行為,那么200萬互聯網用戶, 100網絡公司和大型簽名盡責為微軟的護照錢包服務

The press here [ that i have read , and that q has read ] while not condemning bin laden does not , and most certainly the people do not condone terrorists acts against anyone in morocco (我和q看過的)當地輿論雖然沒有譴責拉登,但可以肯定摩洛哥大部份人都不會縱容任何的恐怖主義行動。

“ violence of any sort is unacceptable and it has absolutely no place in the game of football - - we do not condone it , we must not accept it and we must act to eradicate it “足球暴力在任何地方或以任何方式出現都是不能夠被接受的,我們必須要通過立法來根除足球暴力!

Driving while intoxicated is against the law . beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not portray , encourage or condone driving any motor vehicle while intoxicated 醉酒開車是違法的。酒飲料的廣告及營銷材料中不應當描述或鼓勵醉酒駕駛機車。

In ethics , there is a poser about the difference between killing and letting die . if we complacently accept something , do nothing about it , is it as good as condoning it 在道德觀點上,有這樣的一個問題:殺害一個人和坐視不理讓一個人死去有什么分別?

This year ' s anniversary followed outrage by local residents over remarks by japan ' s former defense minister that had appeared to condone the bombings 今年的紀念日上,日本民眾對日本前任國防大臣作出的寬恕爆炸案的行為表示憤怒。

Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action 你要牢記,寬恕并不一定意味著順從那些讓你心煩意亂的人,也不意味著饒恕他或她的行為。