
condominium n.1.共管(地),共同統治(地);共同所有權。2.(多...


Developing additional vacation ownership resorts and leveraging our hotel real estate assets where possible through voi construction and residential or condominium sales ; and increasing operating efficiencies through increased use of technology 開發更多的度假村通過voi的建設以及和私人公寓的銷售來平衡我們的飯店房地產,通過增加科技含量來提高經營效率。

Income - producing properties come in all shapes and sizes , including rental homes , apartment buildings , vacation condominiums , office buildings , shopping centers , hotels , motels , rest homes , warehouses , and industrial parks 收入型房地產有各種各樣的,包括出租房,公寓,度假村,辦公樓,購物中心,旅館,汽車旅館,修養所,倉庫及工業區。

They range from affordable housing to luxury condominiums , and all display inventive ways of making private as well as public space that can be shared within the community and the neighbourhood at large 范圍從經濟型住宅到豪華型住宅,這所有的住宅都體現出了創造性地解決辦法,用來使私有和公共空間能共存于居民區和更大的街區之中。

Its comprehensive range of products caters for every segment of the market - from homes to hotels , business centers to shopping complexes , clubhouses to condominiums , offices to hospitals 它從零開始崛起成為全球最大的冷氣機制造商,具備迎合各層面的產品系列從家居到酒店,商業中心到購物中心,俱樂部到公寓,辦公室到醫院。

High rise / high density luxurious condominium ( 2300 units ) , approximate total gross floor area 380 , 000m2 comprises of luxury clubhouse , international kid garden & landscaped basement parking facilities 詳細介紹:約2300個居住單位,共38萬平方米建筑面積,與豪華俱樂部、國際幼兒園等配套設施,全景觀地下車庫。

M chereville offers you a “ home away from home “ living standard . enjoy the convenience of an apartment , the luxury of a hotel and the tranquillity of a condominium , at a reasonable price 為了適應外國客人生活的生活習慣而設計的米拉賓館,集中公寓的管理性、賓館的格調、休息性等長處為一體。

A vancouver woman pleaded guilty on thursday to poisoning several trees that border the city ' s downtown stanley park to improve the view of the ocean from her condominium 為了能從自己居住的公寓更好地觀賞海景,加拿大溫哥華市一名婦女竟然給幾年前自己親手種植在該市斯坦利公園的幾棵樹木下毒。

Walk 3 minutes from omote - sando exit of jr harajuku station . condominiums built after the great kanto earthquake to provide housing . the rooms are now used as galleries and shops 關東大地震以后,為了解決住房問題而修建的集中住宅,現在這里入住的是富有個性特點的畫廊等。

We are situated in a very serene and conducive environment of a middle - income condominium in downtown and yet away from the noisy and bustling main streets 本瑜珈館選址于高檔的小區內,環境優美而寧靜,館內裝飾優雅而溫馨,是放松心境,練習瑜珈的理想場所。

In san diego , one result is that new construction is increasingly dominated by condominiums and multifamily units , not the traditional single - family home 在圣地亞哥,高房價的一個結果就是新的建筑日益成為共同管理以及多戶家庭結構,而不是傳統的單一家庭。

Requirements from times and social situation need badly our country “ legislation ' s lawmaking on condominium so as to effectively solve the similar problems 這項法律制度為人類有效地利用有限的土地資源,解決人類的居住、生活等問題,發揮了重大作用。

Any companies that establish after january 1 , 2002 belong to a country ground condominium door , enterprise income tax is total in the country tax bureau is handed in 2002年1月1日以后成立的任何企業都屬于國地共管戶,企業所得稅全部在國稅局交納。

In san diego , one result is that new construction is increasingly dominated by condominiums and multifamily units , not the traditional single - family home 在圣迭戈,結果之一是建造越來越多的公寓和多家庭住宅,減少傳統的單家庭獨棟住宅的建造量。

Not long after starting the classes i was able to move from a stuffy room that i shared with a roommate to a condominium with high ceilings and two bedrooms (開學后不久,我便從和室友共住的悶熱宿舍搬出來,住進了一個高頂雙臥的公寓套間。 )

Personal lines insurance our firm offers a complete line of insurance to protecta client ' s home , condominium , apartment , mobile home , boat and recreational vehicle 在個人保險方面我們為顧客提供私房,公寓,活動房,船只和汽車保險服務。

Personal lines insurance our firm offers a complete line of insurance to protect client ' s home , condominium , apartment , mobile home , boat and recreational vehicle 在個人保險方面我們為顧客提供私房,公寓,活動房,船只和汽車保險服務。

Before you consider buying an apartment building , a shopping center , or a vacation condominium , you need to know how to maximize your potential profit 不管你要買什么樣的房子,公寓,購物中心,度假村,你必須知道如何讓你的利潤最大化。

Downtown miami is a hub for international business and finance , with soaring office towers and ultra - modern condominiums lining brickell avenue 邁阿密市區是國際商務和金融中心,高聳入云的寫字樓和超現代的公寓樓坐落在布瑞肯大道兩旁。

Ownership of condominium units where the common areas in the condominium project are co - owned by the owners of the separate units or owned by a corporation 10 、評估公司11 、共用領域為各住戶或公司聯合所有權的公寓的擁有權