
condolence n.吊唁,吊慰;悼詞;追悼。 express one's...


I ' m sorry to hear that . please accept my condolence . take time off as nesessary 聽到這消息我很難過,請接受我的哀悼,如果需要就請假吧。

Gfs expresses condolences to families of two deceased crew members , ( 2782003 ) 政府飛行服務隊對兩名殉職隊員家屬致以深切慰問( 2782003 )

Scs offers deepest condolences to gfs crew members families august 27 , 2003 政府會根據一貫的做法,為殉職的同事家屬提供援助和補償。

But so inconstant is human fate that congratulations and condolences often go hand in hand 偏偏是人間舊恨驚鴉去,天上新恩喜鵲來。

I would like to express my deep condolences for the loss of the senate 我對參議院的損失表示深切的哀悼。我向遇難者家屬表示慰問。

She wished me to look after the house , to see callers , and answer notes of condolence 她希望我替她看管房子,接待來客,回復唁函。

Secretary for the civil service offers deepest condolences to ms wong kang - tai s family 公務員事務局局長向王庚娣家人致深切慰問

The president also offered his condolence as to family and friends of the victims 總統還對遇難家屬以及他們的朋友表示哀悼。

He sent his deepest condolences to the family members of the two crew members 李少光向兩名隊員的家屬,致以最深切的慰問。

Chelsea football club sends our condolences to ian ' s family and friends 切爾西俱樂部已經向波特菲爾德的親友發去了吊唁。

Appreciation and condolences -嘉許和慰問

I thought condolences was - - - it ' s incoming . it ' s an incoming phrase 我還以為哀悼是. . . -是別人說的,該由別人對你說

L thought condolences was - - - lt ' s incoming . lt ' s an incoming phrase 我還以為哀悼是. . . -是別人說的,該由別人對你說

Please convey our profoundest condolences to your brother and sister - in - law 請向你的哥哥和嫂子轉達我們最深的哀悼。

L thought condolences was - - lt ' s incoming . lt ' s an incoming phrase -我還以為哀悼是. -是別人說的,該由別人對你說

I thought condolences was - - it ' s incoming . it ' s an incoming phrase -我還以為哀悼是. -是別人說的,該由別人對你說

To offer your condolences 來哀悼我的腳趾的

I also wanted to pay my condolences . everyone loved lindsay and paul 我也想表示一下哀悼所有人都很喜歡琳賽和保羅

- l thought condolences was - lt ' s incoming . lt ' s an incoming phrase -我還以為哀悼是. . . -是別人說的,該由別人對你說