
condole vi.吊慰,表示悼念;慰問。 He condoled w...


In addition , yejixuan rich without forgetting the source , rich but still positive , actively redounds upon the society through each kind of channel , condoling or visiting the communist soldiers and disabled retired army man , donating money for the mountainous area impoverished family , and helping the dropout . . 慰問或探望老紅軍和傷殘退伍軍人,給山區貧困家庭捐助錢物,幫助失學兒童… …十余年來,公司捐助的物資和款項不計其數, 2003年,永嘉縣慈善總會成立,宣達集團更是一次性捐款8萬。

In ning bo han quan expands increasingly 2006 , the company expands endowment established limited company of tall building materials of ning bo name , introduce germany supreme metal condole supports , the international of the building materials industry such as floor of japanese long xiliu pvc is top - ranking brand , short a few months already signed peaceful wave city marine world of city of major project ning bo , north logical sequence is communal and wholesome city of bureau of inspect of card of city of center , peaceful wave , bank of china , peaceful wave is commercial bank , new edifice of world business affairs , yin dianbin house , , from now on our development turned over new one page again 在寧波漢泉日益壯大的2006年,公司斥資成立了寧波名高建材有限公司,引進德國至高金屬吊頂,日本龍喜陸pvc地板等建材行業的國際一流品牌,短短數月已簽下了寧波市重點工程寧波市海洋世界、北侖公共衛生中心、寧波市證監局、中國銀行、寧波市商業銀行、新天地商務大廈、銀殿賓館、利登公司、嵊州巴貝集團…等一批重大優質工程,從此我們的發展又翻開了新的一頁。

This paper gives a full description of this new production technology , aiming to be helpful to the military equipment system and other army services and laser spaceflight condole cabin system . this research also gives some enlightenment to further research of light exaltation mirror 本課題的研究,不僅對陸軍武器系統有助益,而且對其它軍種和航天激光吊艙等系統也具有較大的現實意義,并且對今后繼續深入研究輕質提升鏡也有一定的認識上的幫助。

In the jinmalun of malaysia , be located in highland , grow a lot of cropland 7 , but mount frame work , and , cropland 7 go up in the cane with respect to condole , they say that is cropland 7 , appearance also very picture , normally they use boiling water of the chop that boil 在馬來西亞的金馬侖,地處高原,栽種了很多田七,但都爬上架子,而且,田七就吊在藤上,他們說那就是田七,樣子也很像,通常他們用來煮排骨湯。

In the name of the assembled companions in misfortune , said a gentleman of courtly appearance and address , coming forward , i have the honour of giving you welcome to la force , and of condoling with you on the calamity that has brought you among us “我以在此處相逢的不幸的伙伴們的名義, ”一個氣派談吐都雍容華貴的先生走上前來, “榮幸地歡迎你來到拉福斯,并對你因受到災禍落入了我們的行列深表慰問。

Fine condole is taken or the dress of small late outfit of inclined shoulder wants zhang chi to have degree , the design of low - necked , shoulder , already sedate have feminine taste again ; proper exaggerated is marked headgear , the figure that can be you adds window 細吊帶或斜肩的小晚裝連衣裙要張弛有度,只露出頸、肩的款式,既穩重又有女人味;適當夸張的醒目首飾,能為你的形象增加亮點。

Kindly , as usual - and , as usual , rather trite - she condoled with him on the pressure of business he had had all day ; on the annoyance it must have been to him with that painful sprain : then she commended his patience and perseverance in going through with it 對他整天緊張處理事務而表示同情對扭傷的痛苦所帶來的煩惱表示慰問隨后贊揚了他承受這一切的耐心與毅力。

She was of great use and comfort to us all , and lady lucas has been very kind ; she walked here on wednesday morning to condole with us , and offered her services , or any of her daughters , if they could be of use to us . 她幫了我們不少的忙,還安慰了我們。盧卡斯太太待我們也好,她星期三早上來慰問過我們,她說,如果我們需要她們幫忙,她和她女兒們都樂意效勞。 ”

He told zillah to give me a glass of brandy , and then passed on to the inner room ; while she condoled with me on my sorry predicament , and having obeyed his orders , whereby i was somewhat revived , ushered me to bed 他叫拉給我一杯白蘭地,隨后就進屋去了。她呢,對我不幸的遭遇安慰一番,而且遵主人之命,給了我一杯白蘭地,看見我略略恢復了一些,便引我去睡了。

I feel myself called upon by our relationship , and my situation in life , to condole with you on the grievous affliction you are now suffering under , of which we were yesterday informed by a letter from hertfordshire 不佞與拙荊聞之,無論對先生個人或尊府老幼,均深表同情。以不佞之名份職位而言,自當聊申悼惜之意,何況與尊府為葭莩,益覺責無旁貸。

We come here to condole you and celebrate new year with you together representing the producing team of movie brilliant starlight , the board chairman mr . dengpeixing of canton resun group and its staff 我們代表電影星光燦爛攝制組代表廣東日生集團鄧培星董事長及公司全體員工來看望大家,來和大家一起過年! ”

Director wang and those travelling together visited each family one by one for condoling the aids sufferers and aids orphans , including the orphan representatives who attended the new year evening 王導一行走家串戶,一一看望了艾滋病患者和艾滋遺孤,其中包括來公司參加元旦晚會的丁香玉丁凱敏丁開玲。

As soon as i heard of comrade wang ' s death , i wrote to condole with his family on ( in ) their misfortune 一聽到王同志去世,我立刻寫信去向他的家屬表示慰問。

Her friends condoled with her when her husband had lost a leg in the accident 她的丈夫在這次事故中失掉一條腿,她的朋友們都向她表示慰問。

We visited frank to condole with him on the death of his father 我們看望了弗蘭克,對他父親的去世向他表示慰問。

So sad to look at his face , miss douce condoled “我一看他的臉就覺得難過, ”杜絲小姐用同情的口吻說。

We condole with him on [ up on ] his loss 我們對他的損失深表同情。

Condole with her . your terrible loss 99安慰她吧:你的損失太慘重了。

His friends condoled with him on his father ' s death 朋友們為他父親的過世而吊慰他。