
condolatory adj.吊唁的,慰問的。


Although the person that introductory introduction both neither sends the condolatory gold , person that also do not move to help and just says on the mouth is the most abhorrent great majority takes care of a patient everyday without method , but can take out time always now and then to help hospital nurse a few days 介紹介紹既不送慰問金、也不出手幫忙而只是嘴上說說的人是最可惡的大多數的人雖然沒有辦法天天照顧病人,但偶然總可以抽出時間幫忙看護幾天吧!

Visit a patient to should send what flower to visit the sick send a flower , contain disease of consideration , condolatory , blessing to have the restful , idea that recovers at an early date 探望病人應該送什么花探病送花,含有關懷、慰問、祝福病患平安、早日康復之意。