
condo n.(多層公寓中有獨立所有權的)一套公寓房間,一個住宅單...


A condominium , or & quot; condo & quot; for short , is an apartment that is owned by the occupant , not the building owners 個人購置的公寓套間為居住者所有,而不是大樓的主人。

A condominium , or “ condo “ for short , is an apartment that is owned by the occupant , not the building owners 個人購買的公寓套間為寓居者一切,而不是大樓的主人。

A condominium , or “ condo “ for short , is an apartment that is owned by the occupant , not the building owners 個人購置的公寓套間為居住者所有,而不是大樓的主人。

I got the condo 我買了那公寓

There is no condo 并沒有什么公寓

No we ' ve got a condo 我們不是住公寓

I liked that condo 我喜歡那個公寓!

You bought me a condo 你買了個公寓給我?

Once you biock out the sun with this condo - hotei monstrosity .在這里建造豪華公寓來擋住我們的光線,事情哪有這么巧

He told me that he wanna go home , with me up on the hill to my condo 我的愛在夜里不熄滅倔強的心也要安慰愛以疲憊

The median entry - level condo in california sold for $ 360 , 160 加州處在準入級別的公寓的中間價也要賣到360160美元。

Now you ' re back at the condo 現在你回到你的公寓

So whether he ' s here or humping co - eds in his condo 我才不管他到底是在這兒還是在他那間屋里泡妞。 。 。 。 。 。 。

And the condo was just beautiful 那個公寓太漂亮了

What do you think of the condo 你覺得一套公寓房怎么樣

To get us that condo in waikiki 夠我們在懷基基買套公寓

The median entry - level condo in california sold for $ 360 , 160 加州基本型公寓樓的中間價格為360 , 160美元。

Well , she still thinks she ' s getting half the money and a free condo 她還以為能拿到一半的錢和免費公寓呢

Aren ' t condos for old people 分戶公寓不是給老年人的嗎?